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Scott's POV
We have nothing to do today. Mitch is on the couch, on his phone. And I'm in my room, also on my phone. I'm bored and I'm getting sick of electronics. We need to do some physical activity. Hey, what about shopping? I mean, you carry lots of bags and walk around. That counts, right? I put my phone down and walk to the living room. Still on his phone. "Mitchie, I'm bored" I whine, trying to get his attention. "Go on your phone," he replies, not looking at me. "But I'm getting sick of phones, we need to go out," I say. Mitch looks up to me. "Where?" He asks. I smirk and say, "how about shopping?" He puts his phone down and stands up. He gets his keys and wallet, leaving his phone stranded on the couch. I chuckle and we both leave.
At The Mall
We got there in 5 minutes, Mitch was so excited. He loves shopping. We both exit the car and walk side by side to the door. While walking, I trip on a rock and my hand hit his. I blushed with embarrassment. He just smiled and... Took my hand. This is very strange to me because I thought he never liked me like that. Maybe this is just a friend thing. We always flirt but never really mean it. Well, I do. I've been trying to tell him that I like him in a different way but I never build up the courage. Anyway, we go into the mall and he's still holding my hand. Usually he'd let go to run off to a store. He then let's go of my hand, of course, and kissed my cheek. "Meet here in an hour?" He asks. I nod. He skips off as I touch my cheek. I stood with admiration for a bit until I came back into reality. I looked around to see where I should go. Then I saw a jewelry store. Mitch was looking in there a couple weeks ago and liked this certain ring. I walked in and tried to look for it. When I finally found it, I looked to the price tag. $600. I look to my wallet. I only had $250. The manager walks up and looks to me. "Can I help you?" He asks. I look up to him and straighten up. "Yes, I was looking at this ring and wondered about the price?" I ask, trying to act a little more formal. "$600," he replied. Here we go. "Only $600? Please," I say. "What?" He asks, curious. "It would never pass along as $600 dollars. I would say.." I start. The manager looks at me nervously. "$200," I say finally. "$200? Please, this ring is for $600. No more no less." He said. I nod and cross my arms. "When did you have this ring in stock?" I ask. "2 months ago," he answers. "Has anyone ever asked about it?" He nods. "Asked for information?" He nods again. "Or maybe even found out the price and walked away?" He hesitates and nods again. "I don't see anyone else waiting in line for it. So, you can either sell it to me for $200... OR... Reject my offer and let it sit here for who knows how long for $600?" The man mumbles something under his breath. "Fine," he says and extends his arm. I place $200 in his hand, leaving $50 in my wallet. He takes the ring out of the glass case and wraps it in a box. "Have a nice day," he says. "Ditto," I reply. I walk out of the jewelry store with a smirk on my face to see Mitch standing near the entrance, looking at me. His arms were crossed and he was smirking. He walks over to me. "Impressive," he says, finally. "Mitch, what are you doing here. We aren't meeting for another hour," I say, tucking it into my pocket. "Well, I was on my way over here when I saw you playing your little tactic," he said. I blushed. He blushed too. "Well, by all means, go on in. I'm just heading to Starbucks," I say, starting to walk off. I hope he didn't see me buying the ring he wanted. I'm planning on giving it to him tonight. And confessing that I like him.
50 Minutes Later
I wait back to where we took off an hour ago. A couple minutes and Mitch walks up with three bags on his arm. The other holding Starbucks. "You ready to go?" Mitch asks. I nod and we both leave side by side.
At Home
We finally get home and Mitch sets down his stuff. "You didn't get too much," he said, smirking again. "Yea, didn't really see much that I liked," I reply. He plops onto the couch. "You know what? Something weird happened. I went into that jewelry store you were in and was looking for that ring. The one I was looking at a while ago? Yeah, it looked like someone already bought it. Too bad," he said, disappointed. So he didn't see me buying it. Great! "Why were you in there, Scottie? You don't really wear jewelry," he said. I hesitate on my answer. "I was just looking around," I say. "Then what did you buy?" He asked, standing up. He knew something was up. "I don't know what you're talking about," I say, blushing. "Oh really?" He said. He walked over to my wallet on the counter and opened it up. "Then how come there is $205 less than there was before?" He asked. Damn it. "I don't know, maybe someone stole money out of my wallet!" I say, acting like I'm surprised. "Uh huh," Mitch said. He dropped my wallet back on the counter, grabbed his bags, and went to his room. He knows I bought it or something else. What he doesn't know is that I'm giving it to him.
At 7:00pm
"Mitchie!" I yell. No answer. "I made dinner!" I add. "What?" I hear Mitch mumble. He walks into the kitchen, surprised. "You cooked? You never do," he said, looking at what I'm making. "I made your favorite, spaghetti and meatballs," I say. (A/N I don't know Mitch's favorite food lol. If you know, comment it so I can edit) Mitch licks his lips, hungry. I chuckle and put a serving into each bowl. Mitch sets the table and I set out bowls down. He instantly starts eating while I just nibble. I'm very nervous on how he's gonna react. Will he like me back? Will I ruin our friendship? It isn't worth the risk but I have to do this. "Hey Mitch?" I ask him. He looks up, face stuffed with food. He looks so cute. He swallows and gives me his attention. "I.. I need to tell you something," I say, fiddling with my fingers. "What is it Scott?" Mitch asks. I take out the ring from my pocket. Mitch brings both hands up to his mouth. "Mitch, ever since we met when we were 10, I liked you. Not just as a friend, but more. I never said it out loud because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. But, I have to get it out. I love you Mitchie. I always have, from day 1. I don't know how you don't catch me staring at you, or flirting, or anything. And I don't know if you feel the same way. I probably ruined our friendship if you don't feel that way. But that's okay, I want you to know that I love you," I say, making Mitch tear up. I put the ring on his finger. "Mitch, will you be my boyfriend?" I ask him. He stares for a moment and then he starts nodding. It becomes faster and faster until he embraces me in a huge hug. "I love you too, Scott."
This was probably really crappy so I'm sorry about that. New update soon. Stay fcute!!!! <3

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