Art Class Part 2

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Mitch's POV
"Hold on." I grab a sharpie from my bag and take Scott's hand. I write down my number and let go of his hand. "Text me." He smiles and nods. I smile like an idiot and walk out, already having my book in hand. I was so nervous at the beginning of that class, I shouldn't have been so worked up. Maybe this school is better. I walk to my next class, biology. I like their schedule here too. They have seven classes in total, but only 5 a day. It's like a 5 day cycle. I walk into the classroom and greet the teacher, Mr. Flex. As he gives me a couple papers, I look to my side, having the sensation that someone was looking at me. I quickly looked and then back at the teacher. There were three girls staring at me dreamily. I waved and they waved back. Two jocks behind them with their arms crossed. All looking at me. What they don't know is I'm gay. Once the teacher finished, I start walking towards the front, next to one of the girls since it was one of the only seats available. I awkwardly sit down and look next to me quickly. They are all still staring at me. Everyone else was doing their own thing. I wish Scott was here, even though we just met. I try not to look back by going on my phone. I have one text notification, probably mom wondering how I'm doing. I check it to see an unknown number. "Is this Mitch from art? It's Scott," it read. I reply with a yup. "Ahem." I look up. The teacher is glaring at me while the guys snicker. "Stop it," one of the girls whispers. I put my phone away. "Hello class. Today we have a new student, Mitch," Mr. Flex says. The girls giggle. "I want everyone to be nice to him. Remember when you guys first came here?" One of the jocks scoffs. "Today we are..." The teacher babbles on. I try to pay attention but I just kept on melting under the jocks stares.
Time Skip to End of Class
Finally. I quickly get up, grab my stuff, and rush out the door. All of a sudden, I feel a pair of hands grab me from behind. Next thing I know, I was slammed against the wall by one of the jocks. The other one was standing there behind him. "Listen new kid, I don't know what you're thinking in that head of yours, but we don't like guys flirting with our girls." The jock behind him nods his head in agreement. "I wouldn't do such a thing, I swear," I reply, scared I'm going to get hit. The jocks made a confused look. I think they realized by my high voice. "Why don't you want to hit on them?" I sigh. "I'm gay." The jock immediately lets go of me. "Oh my god man, I'm so sorry." He says, both hands up. "It's fine." He pats my shoulder.  "I'm mike. If you need anything, ask ok?" The other just stands awkwardly. "Thanks mike." I smile. He smiles back and walks off with the other jock. The three girls walk out, still looking at me. One comes up and writes her number on my other hand. Why is everyone giving me their numbers? "Text us." She said and winked. "We are really good at advice to choose the right guy, ask anytime," another girl said. They all waved and walked off. I punched the number into my phone. Oh my god. Today is going better than I expected. I didn't get beat up yet!
I looked at the options of food but all there was was sloppy joes. Just thinking about them makes me sick. I wouldn't eat anything anyway, I'm still fat. I go and sit at a table by myself, since I didn't know anyone. I got occasional stares but other than that I was just thinking. "Hey," I heard a voice mumble. I look up. Scott. "Hi." I smile. "Can I sit here?" I chuckle, "yeah." He sits down across from me. "So, people are treating you right, yeah?" He asked. He gripped my hand. I got a couple looks. "Yeah." I say. He takes his hand away, making people look away. "Good thing he didn't run into him.." He mumbled so I couldn't hear. "What? Him?" I asked, confused. He sighed. "Travis," he whispered. "Who's that?" "He's one out of his 4 person group who hates gays, but he's the worst. Everyone hates him and I'm so happy he hasn't met you... Yet." He gulp. Oh no. "By the way, word spreads fast. Did you tell anyone else?" He asks. I look down and he sighs. "I only did so the jocks in there would stop glaring at me and so the girls could stop crushing on me." He nodded in understanding. "Ok, if Travis ever tries to come up to you, find me. You will know it's him by his little 'possie.'" He adds. I nod. Lunch ended and I finished the rest of my school day. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Ding ding! I look to my phone. I got a message from an unknown number. "Hey, it's Esther. One of the girls in our bio class?" I read out loud. I responded with, " Hi, it's Mitch." I turn off my phone and look up. Travis and his group were walking by me. I tried not to look at them. I felt them glaring into my soul. Once they passed, I walked out the doors to see Scott talking to another girl. Who's she? Probably already forgot about me. I start walking back home when Scott noticed me. "Mitch!" He called. I look to him and the girl. I give a fake smile and walk over slowly and shyly. "Mitch, this is Kirstie, one of my best friends," Scott said, introducing the girl. "Hello!" He says. I just wave. "Come on, I won't bite!" She joked. I chuckled and said, "hi." "I like your voice," Kirstie said all of a sudden. I stand awkwardly while Scott gives her a look. "Scott and I sing together all the time, and I just know that you are good at it too. I can tell," she says. My singing? I mean I sing but, it's not very good. "Thanks." Kirstie shrugs and Scott scratches the back of his neck. "We should probably start heading home," Scott said. Kirstie and I nod and we all end up walking in the same direction. "What street do you guys live on?" I asked. (A/N I don't know where they lived so this is just made up) "Brigham Street," they said together. "I live on there too!" I exclaim. Their eyes light up. We all walk merrily together down to our street. Scott and I were next to each other and Kirstie was across the street. Kirstie bids us farewell as Scott and I stand awkwardly between our houses. "So uh... I'll see you tomorrow?" Scott asks. I nod and say yeah. As we walk our separate ways, Scott shouts, "I hope your bruise gets better!" I smile and wave as I walk inside. He's really nice... And cute.
I don't know if I should stop or make this into a book.... What do you think? Comment below and you might get a shoutout!! Stay fcute!!! <3

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