Chapter One

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Chapter One

*Harry's POV*

I wake up with the most horrendous headache. Sitting up, I lean against the headboard so that I don't collapse from the dizziness. Groaning, I run a hand through my tangled mop of hair. Once the dizziness dies down a bit, I sit up properly, letting the sheet that had been covering me fall down to my bare waist. Yawning, I stretch my arms over my head. Suddenly, there's a noise to my right. Startled, my arms drop to my sides and I turn my head to face the sound. There, I see that it was just  abeautiful blonde girl rolling over, although she's still asleep.

Hmm, she must have been my one night stand. Too bad I have to leave her, she really is gorgeous.

Using my left hand, I brush a strand of hair that had fallen to her face behind her ear. And that's when I see it. At first, it's just a bright flint in my eyes, due to the sunlight streaming in through the window shining on it. But when I move my hand closer, I'm able to make out what it is. A ring. A cheap ring on my left hand.

What the hell. It can't actually mean anything, I can't even remember the chick's name. Ha, what kind of sick joke is this? I think something like that, and then I see this. Be careful what you wish for Harry. Hm, I should probably get going now, before she wakes up.

Looking around the hotel room, I find various articles of clothing scattered about the floor. There is also the occasional bottle of some sort of alcoholic beverage. For some odd reason, I even see a damaged lampshade dangling on the edge of the windowsill.

Well, it certainly looks as if we had fun last night. It's too bad that I can't remember any of it.

Trying my best to ignore the pounding in my head, I slide out of the bed and hunt down my boxers, then pull them on. Next are my pants, which I find half-way under the bed. THen I begin searching for my shirt, and find it located behind a dresser. As I pull it on and begin buttoning it up, I see that it's missing a button.

Oh well, I have plenty more at home. Home. I can't go back there. What if she's still there? The woman that broke my heart. The woman who I though I could trust more than anybody else in the world, but then dropped me on my ass. The woman who I though I loved.

I wipe away a solitary tear. Before I can think about her again, I start my search for my room key. I don't even bother checking my pockets, because I know that I was way to drunk to even think about putting it in a place as logical as there. After about fifteen minutes, I find it hiding in the well-stocked mini-fridge. Considering how dry my throat is, I take a bottle of water from the mini-fridge, gulping the entire thing in a matter of seconds.

I think that I'll just leave this for her so that she can stay however long she likes, curtousy of me. The hotel is already charging everything on my card anyways. See, there's perks to sleeping with an international popstar.

Intending to just leave the card on the bedside table, I walk up there, but find yet another surprise. And the biggest of them all. At first, I don't really notice what it is exactly. But at the secodn glance, I notice it alright. It's a certificate, although not just any old certificate, but rather, a marriage certificate. The horror of the situation sinks in as I see not only some chick named Paige Elizabeth Ashe's signature, but mine as well. It takes all of my self-control to not scream at the top of my lungs.

Then I start to feel the bile raise in my throat. Rushing into the loo and to the toilet, I barely make it on time before my insides start spilling out from my mouth. I'm not sure how long I stay like that, sitting down on the cold, tile floor, hunched over te toilet, before the girl who I can only assume is Paige walks in. She, thank god, has a shirt and a pair of panties on, and looks as bad as I feel.

"Do you think I could have a turn?" She asks unenthusiastically. She doesn't wait for an answer before she begins stumbling to the toilet. Scooting over, I narrowly escape as she falls to her knees and starts hurling into the tiolet.

Does she know about the certificate? Is this even the same person?

When she's finished, she leans over and flushes the toilet, then leans against the bottom of the counter, with her knees tucked against her chest and her palms face-down on the cold tile. She cloese her eyes, and breathes deeply a few times before opening them again. She stares amptily at me with sparkling blue-ish-grey eyes. They're probably the most beautiful eyes that I have ever seen.

Well, might as well get this all over with.

"How are you feeling?" I ask her, attempting to be nice and friendly.

"How do I fucking look like I'm feeling? Like shit, that's how." She snaps, then starts massaging her temples with two fingers.

Geez, someone's pissy.

I try a different tactic. "I'm Harry-"

"Styles." She finishes for me. "You're from that boyband...  what's it called again?" She closes her eyes to think. "One Decimation? One Demention? One Delusion?"

What the hell? Her guesses just get worse and worse.

She chuckles a little before adding, "One Dick?"

I huff at the put-down. "No, it's called One Direction. And if our fans heard you talking like this, you would be so dead right now." Okay, I admit it, that sucked in the comeack department, a lot, but it's the only thing I could think of thatnks to this migraine I have.

"You know, that name just makes you all sound gay," she bluntly tells me.

"Or straight," I point out. She thinks about this for a moment before nodding her head.

"Fair enough."

"So now that you know my name, what's yours?" It's weird, usually I wouldn't be the one saying the sort of things that I am now.

"Paige." I raise my eyesbrows, waiting for her to continue. "Paige Ashe."

"Well it's nice to meet you Paige."

So it is the same girl! What the bloody hell have I gotten myself into?

"Listen Harry, you don't have to be all nice and formal with me, I promise I won't tell a single soul about whatever happened last night. Besides, I know that you're just going to leave anytime now. I mean, that's just what one night stands are for, right? So there's no strings attatched."

"Well, that's just the thing. You see, I can't just leave you, and there are strings attatched."

"What?" The confusion in her voice is obvious. "What the hell are you talking about Harry?"

"Paige, I think we made a mistake last night." I hope that she doesn't hear the slight quiver in my voice.

"Stop beating around the damn bush already! Just spit it out!"

Fine. You wanna be that way? I can too. Watch me.

Leaning back against the bathtub, I cross my arms. I wait a beat before saying anything. Then, just like hse said to, I spit it out. "We're married."

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