Chapter 9/In my dream I'm someone else

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A/N Thanks so much for all the kind comments and fabulous votes. The Cyborg's Daughter is doing so much better than the Cyborg's pet did at this point so that's amazing.  We have two intriguing chapters for you this week. The Cyborg's pet is approaching 700,000 reads over in Humour. We might be able to pull out a new chapter of Cyborg's daughter to celebrate  that on Tuesday (no promises but keep a weather eye out)..   

Last night in the bottom of the barrel lost on the gleaming sea,   I dreamt again. In the dream I am somebody else, I'm walking with three other bodyguards following the grey lady down endless corridors. Finally a large pair of two story hight doors are opened to her approaching gate. I follow her into a large room the walls seen to be dripping blood. There are groups of beautiful men and women, six in all, casually chatting.

"I do so hope you will be able can come to the dance competition" says a handsome man to the beautiful woman.

She smiles provocatively, "you do  realise that those kinds of competitions are forbidden". As the grey lady approaches their smiles evaporate and their faces becomes solemn. The grey lady looks at them all.

"I'm up and I'm dressed what more do you want?" She says bitterly.

She sits in a elaborate metal chair with a high head rest, like the one I have seen her in before. As she sits she merges with the chair as if she was melting into it. The chair is one of circle, a circle of seven chairs. The other chairs are casually occupied by the other people. My body walks to a corner and waits. The others merge with their chairs there once animated faces become blank. Around them information fills the room becoming a dense cloud of holographic knowledge. Now when they speak the members of the meeting do not move their lips.

"This meeting is called into unison" says the younger beautiful one who was talking as I came in.

"What is the purpose of this unscheduled meeting?" Says the grey lady.

"A few hours ago a slave collar was activated." comes a voice from golden cloud. We see a picture of my collar. The barcode matches my barcode, they are talking about me. "during a routine harvest operation for the Continuity, three slaves escaped containment. A complex resistance plan was then carried out leading to insurrection in the wider vicinity."

"Insurrection is happening all the time why bothered the committee with these details?" said the grey lady " The CPU despite the lack of consciousness is fully capable of dealing with these issues!"

"The area concerned was once a facility for the now disgraced house of Rockwood" said a man of the group.

The gold digital cloud of light continued "during the insurrection this message was transmitted in a highly encrypted form. The message was 'Destiny rising'."

The members of the Council of the continuity looked to the grey lady. She looked shocked.

"What does the resistance mean by this?" said the beautiful woman looking at the grey lady. 

"It can mean nothing, the destiny of the resistance has expired" said the grey lady.

I saw the cloud become a three-dimensional model of Island seven. On it was information visualising, coloured dots for every movement of every inhabitant. The modelled twisted and turned to show the dotted path of the ship leaving.

"A slave ship was interrupted fleeing from the island. As the level of the emergency progressed it was at first searched and later sunk. During the sinking fragments of the drone videos suggested two to three unidentified individuals may have been aboard the ship. The ship sank no traces were made. Wreckage was later search by aquatic no bodies were found." said the golden cloud.

"Short of Wintermute's folly no one can assume that a threat remains." said the grey lady.

"How many slaves were engaged in the insurrection identified from collar camera records" said the young beautiful woman.

"48 - all now in self induced comas, including the crew of the ship. 18 died." said the cloud.

"Schedule all those engaged from the insurrection to be delivered to the capital for study," said the beautiful woman.

"It is already happening" said the golden cloud.

"Has any preliminary brain scan resulted in information?" said the man.

"Preliminary  mobile scan has been achieved in 80% of subjects. The only common pattern were the words 'Destiny Rising'" said the cloud.

The council paused.

"Rescan the island for the missing subjects" said the grey lady "they will turn up. This is a deception by the resistance nothing more. The slaves in question had kill switches. If not found the collars will self-destruct in 38 hours. The security system of the island reservations is logically complete, if we question it then we might as well not have it."

The man joined in "A strange MAC address was temporally during the event  identified the one ending in 5642".

"Seriously?" said the grey lady. There was a paused. "I think this shows the root of the problem. Data malfunction or a deliberately clever resistance plan designed to make you overreact. Given the effort, I would look to events in other areas. There is a 80% probability this is  resistance trick to draw our attention to from other areas" 

"Should the schedule of the singularity affected?" said the man who had been speaking as they came in.

"No. The singularity will continue as planned." said another beautiful woman. 

"It' is agreed. " the all said." Our work is done. End of line" 

As they spoke in their the chairs retreated from the bodies. They came back to life. I with the other guards approached the grey lady.  She looked at me as I approached. 

"Are you OK" said a voice. 

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