Chapter 10/The land where the buffalo roam

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A/N Shingle beach - just in case you didn't know what one was. 

"Are you OK?" said a voice.

"What?" I said. I came too I had a head like a brazil nut under an anvil. I must have had a fit. I was in the barrel squeezed beside Hunter with Jenny on top of us both.

"You were twitching, darkness" said Hunter blinking.

Time to come clean.

"Yeh, I guess you should know, I'm EP I suffer from epilepsy" I said. "The reason the machines never took me is I'm defective. It's going to get worse as I get older. It's linked to the birth mark on my face and my blue and green eyes."

Hunter paused and looked at me. He wasn't blinking which I guess for him was hard to do.

"Friend of my mum's gave me this book." Hunter began " Mostly rubbish but it had an odd line it in. It said if Tourettes was all bad we would have died out years ago. biscuit. Epilepsy to. Think about it, your out hunting and you get a fit your easy meat. So the book goes on there must be some advantage to humanity as a whole for these bloodlines not to die out. Everyone else get's to see the problems. But it'' up to you've got to see the benefits, biscuit"

"Like what?" I asked "falling over at random intervals, being able dance to punk music in my sleep?" I asked.

"Well people get paid to find a medical disease but no one get's paid to find advantages so you don't get a balanced picture... Julius Caesar, he was a great leader and he had fits. You were very good during the sinking. I wouldn't have thought of bringing something to cut the ropes with, biscuit. You saved us."

I must have had a bad bump during the sinking, it actually felt like Hunter was being nice towards me.

"For a second there I could have sworn you were being nice to me" I said.

"Yeh - I have fits where I'm nice to people. I guess it breaks the monotony. You hungry?" Hunter admitted.

"Yeh I'm so Hungary I'm Budapest, goulash and a Rubic's cube." I admitted.

"If that's a nerdy reference to Hungary the country not hungry the state of being then I might start to regret my opinion of you. Next, you will be telling me Budapest is actually two cities Buda and Pest on either side of the same river and then all the good work we have done here is undone. What are you doing?" said Hunter as I carefully got up rolling the sleeping body of little Jenny down.

I carefully moved myself to a standing position. I opened the lid and my head popped out of the top of the barrel to see the sea in the dawn around me.

"Pitty you didn't grab a fire and a fishing rod and we could have a use for the frying pan" said Hunter.

"Speaking of which can you pass the frying pan up" I said reaching down.

Hunter moved and handed the frying pan up.

"You hoping the fish will jump into it?" He said.

"No," I said "I'm going to hit you with it to stop you talking about food all the time. So on the horizon I'm seeing this long thing dark stuff. It's got tiny buildings on it" I said paddling from one side then the other. Hunter stayed at the bottom to keep the barrel steady. I paddled.

"That's something the experts called land or for the advanced that's a coastline. biscuit banana" said Hunter.

"Ooooh land that sounds nice" I said.

"Yeh banana building a banana, continents, land masses they are all the rage." Hunter said looking up "Everyone's living on them."

I paddled for a while, I was getting hungry so I talked to distract my self. 

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