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This chapter is dedicated to kalliegrey22 :)
"Christine Angela Booth!" Dr.Temperance Brennan yelled up the stairs to her 11 year old daughter's room. "We'll be late, you know that we've gotta go to the lab!" Christine ran down the stairs. "But mom, Dad said he'd take me to the FBI, and anyway, I wanna see Aubrey!" Booth stepped into the room. "Bones, I promised that I'd take her to the FBI. You can take Hank to the Jeffersonian."

*Christine's P.O.V.*

*Buzz buzz*
I feel my phone vibrate in my jeans pocket. I checked the message. It was Finn (a girl),
my best friend in the universe.


F: Hai
F:What u at
C: Going to the FBI with Dad, u?
F: Reading a book about quantum physics.
C:Boring :)
F: How's Micheal Vincent?
C:Pretty good.
C:I gotta go. Just going into the FBI. Bai :3

"Hey,Aubrey," I say to my dad's friend and partner. Dad's phone begins to ring. "Booth," he says. "Mm hm, oh that's...gross!" Dad says. "C'mon Christine,Aubrey. We've got a new case.A kid found a corpse apperently,in a toy store."


"Poor kid,who found it," Aubrey says. "Yeah," I say. "Christine,you stay here. We'll get Caroline to keep an eye on you." Dad walks me to Caroline's office. "Hey,Caroline,we've got a new case,so could you please look after Christine?" My dad asks. "Sure,cheree," Caroline replies.
Dad and Aubrey walk away.
"Sooo..." I say. "Food?" Then Caroline and I walk to the Royal Diner.

Caroline and I chat as we eat. I have fries, and Caroline has a hamburger.

I hope you liked the first chapter of my first Bones fanfic.

Stay cool,
Stay positive!


Bones: The Teacher in the ToystoreWhere stories live. Discover now