Where I Belong-Requested

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An;; thanks to KiliThePlatypus for this amazing idea and I really hope you like it. I changed it a little, but it still include the major plot points. Sorry it took so long.
Lucifer xoxo

Kier's PoV
"You still feeling nervous kemp?" Laurence snickered, his voice startling me slightly as we took our usual positions at the side of the rather large stage, instruments at the ready so that we would be ready to go on stage and perform instantly to our fans at a moments notice. Faintly, even from our secure place behind the stage door, I could hear the daunting sounds of the numerous fans screaming our names over the low thrum of music that was already being played and whilst it thrilled me to think that people loved me with such a passion to take the time to yell for my presence, I absolutely terrified me to think that any minute now, we would be going out onto the stage and being placed directly in front of everyone, having to feel their heavy, judging eyes on us as we did our best to please them with our music, secretly hoping that we didn't go horribly wrong and embarrass ourselves. We never had done that, of course and by this point in the long, gruelling tour, we had played the set list so many tines we found it hard to imagine ourselves screwing up, yet every time I was about to go out on stage, these scary thoughts consumed me and turned me into a shaking, quivering mess.

However, not wanting to give Laurence the satisfaction of taunting me for my irrational feelings of terror, I merely turned around and shot the taller man a confident smile, clutching my microphone tightly in my left hand, secretly dreading the moment the others would finish setting up the vast stage and we would finally be called up.

"Me? Nervous? Never!" I grinned at Laurence, yet a shaky quality slipped into my voice, making it obvious to Laurence that I was absolutely petrified of playing up on the stage, if he hadn't been completely sure of the fact already. Even after all this time of performing to large, surging crowds with pratically nothing going wrong to disgrace the legacy of fearless vampire killers, save the disastrous show when Drew ran around the stage so manically that he almost knocked an amp into me, I had not gotten used to the queer feeling that came with stepping out on to a cramped stage and hearing a hundred people all screaming your manes at the top of their longs, all vying desperately for your attention as they memorised your every move and jumped around hyperly in your bands merchandise, awaiting the gleeful moment when we would actually begin playing. It was amazing in some ways, to think that my existence and my music had such a large impact upon the minds of so many, yet absolutely terrifying at the same time. I had worked so hard for this, and I had no idea what I would do if I lost it.

"Kier, I know you too well! You're always nervous before the show! Don't worry; we will be there with you and nothing bad will happen tonight, I promise" my Raven haired best friend instantly stepped in to reassure, yet all I could do was nod my head shakily at his whisper, not even being able to find enough courage in my timid heart to thank him for his helpful comfort. Luckily, no words were needed for that moment and I knew that Laurence could sense how utterly grateful I was, even though I had no words to express it. Me and Laurence had known each other for years and over that time, we had noted down every little detail about the other until we could practically tell what the other was thinking just from the small actions they did. We had gone through the bad times and the good times together and he was more than a just friend to me; he was a brother who was separated from my him me family at birth and given to another family, until the day God would reunite the pair of us.

Perhaps that hurt me the most about Laurence's ignorance today. I could forgive the other members of the band for forgetting the ceremony today held, but with Laurence it was different. He was supposed to remember this stuff, and he had promised to always cared for me, yet today had proved his promise to be nothing more than a childish lie, told to keep me happy during my adolescence and completely oblivious to the evil in the world.

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