My Last Christmas-Drier

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An;; I'm going to warn everyone in advance, this doesn't end happily, though I guess it does have fluffy parts. I'm sorry to all those people who were expecting something similar to last year with flashbacks, but I wrote a oneshot like that, and then after finishing it I realise the only reason it was Christmassy was because it was set at Christmas, and that no one would really want to read through 8000 words of garbage on Christmas Eve, so last night I returned to this idea (my original idea I made last month) and wrote this all last night, hence the reason it's not the best or as good as last years. I also tried to cut down on the depressing part as I didn't want to upset anyone this close to Christmas, so this isn't very detailed. I guess you could count this as the unofficial sequel I another drier oneshot I wrote a while ago.
Anyway, enjoy! And I hope everyone has a brilliant Christmas. Merry Christmas.

Two months. Up until the moment the doctor delivered that terrifying death sentence, I had barely given death a second thought. I knew it was coming after being told my disease was terminal last August, yet having an official date put on my passing made it seem that much more real. I had no ever thought myself afraid of death, up until now that is.

"Drew, I thought I told you to get ready. We are going out, remember?" Kier questioned exasperatedly as he made his way into the living room, fastened securely in a cosy winter coat and scarf, to see me sat in the exact same position as I had been before. I could remember him vaguely informing about half an hour ago that we were going out, but I couldn't be bothered with it. Not today.

"Go yourself, I'm not in the mood" I mumbled quietly, glueing my gaze back to the window and the view beyond it, at the blue sky, the birds and the snow. It could be the last time I saw any of it.

"Drew, you have to leave the house at some point" Kier sighed at me, moving to get my coat, as though he hadn't even heard my rants for the past few days. It seemed like all he did this days was sigh at me for not wanting to leave the house.

"Tomorrow" I muttered, not tearing my eyes from the horizon.

"No, now!" Kier stated with a sense of finality, appearing behind me to wrap a coat around my shoulders and place a hat on top of my blonde  mop, pushing it down securely to ensure I wouldn't lose it in the fierce gail outside. I groaned, but I knew better than to argue with him when he was like this. Instead, I just glared at him as he wrapped a wooly scarf around my neck and fastened my coat. He saw my glare, and his eyes showed hurt, but I didn't know how to stop myself from doing it.

I realised I was being unfair to Kier by acting like this, but I didn't know how I could possibly explain to him my sudden attitude change to the outside world, much less how  I could expect him to understand me. He was fine, strikingly tall and able to walk around freely, only getting stared at by the odd passerby who happened to find him attractive. All I got was stares these days though. Cancer has been around for as long as anyone can remember, but that didn't stop everyone from stopping and staring every time they saw a victim of it, gawping as though they were looking at the eighth wonder of the world. I got disgusted stares wherever I went. The combination of barely any hair, yellowing skin and my stick out bones had been enough to repulse people before, but now that my condition had worsened and the slightest bit of movement could put fatal strain on my lungs, meaning I had to be carted about everywhere in a wheelchair, I was constantly stared at. In my eyes me that made everything worse. Running around and being genuinely hyper defined my personality in my opinion, and without the ability to do that, I had no proper form of identity. I was just another nameless face.

The second reason I didn't want to go out was even worse, and would probably seem even more pathetic in your eyes. It is the middle of November, which marks the official run up to Christmas and of course, in true beccles spirit, everything had been infected with the spirit of Christmas, from the shops in town to the Forrest close by, which had been plucked of its finest trees. Everywhere you went, you got people chirping excitedly about Christmas and frantically making the necessary arrangements for the big day, whilst enquiring as to what you were doing. This was usually my favourite time of year and granted, I was usually one of those annoying people. But this year, I was gutted. Christmas was the one thing I was looking forward to and now I had learned I was almost certain to die before it, leaving my boyfriend alone at Christmas. Hearing other people chirp tactlessly on about it made me want to scream.

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