Forever and Always

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Forever and Always

Today I'm going to England to see my sister, Lacee Rogers. I haven't seen her in a while, for reasons that are hard to understand. Five years ago she left th small town of Oray, Colorado, to move to England with her boyfriend. I hated her boyfriend. What she doesn't know, is that he cheated on her. With one of my bestfriends, Lindsey Wright. It was on a Saturday morning on November twelfth, 2008. I was getting ready to go shopping with Lindsey. I hated shopping, but of course I would do anything to make other people happy. I picked up my favorite pair of jeans, Miss Me's, and a pink sweater type thing. I opened my door to my room, and walked down the narrow hall to the bathroom. I opened the bathroom door, and rolled my eyes. My sister of course had her crap everywhere! The normally white sink, was brown from her foundation powder. Around the sink was her favorite perfume, Clinque Happy, her makeup brushes, mascara, eyeshadow, and a bunch of other makeup crap. On the white tile floor of the bathroom, was her clothes from yesterday. It looked like her closet threw up all her clothes all over the floor. I picked up all the clothes from the floor, and threw them in the corner to tired to even care. I pulled the denim jeans on, and pulled the sweater over my head. I finally looked at my reflection, scared of what monster I would have to deal with today. My brown hair was all frizzy, and matted. My tan face had indentions from my sheets. I laughed, as I brushed my hair. I french braided my hair, moving quickly, because I knew Lindsey would be herre any minute. After I finished braiding my thick hair, I coated my eyelashes with mascara. Once i was finished, I went downstairs. I looked at the grandfather clock in the living room to see what time it was. It was 12:00. Lindsey said she'd be here at 11:30. Where is she? I thought. I walked over to the window in the living room, and pulled aside the white curtains. Lindsey's black Ford Fusion was parked in the driveway, behind Lindsey's and her boyfriend, Kyle White's, Ford F-150. Weird, i thought to myself. Where is she? Confused, I went roaming across the house looking for Lindsey. As I walked by the backdoor, I heard giggling. It sounded like Lindsey. I backtracked and peeked out the window. I gasped at what I saw. Kyle and Lindsey were in the backyard, next to the big oak tree. Kissing. I gasped, a little to loud it seems. Kyle and Lindsey snapped their heads toward the window. They saw me, and started toward the backdooor. I retreated toward my room. Kyle caught me before i could slam the door.

"Kacee, wait," he said, "I need to talk to you."

"About what? The fact that you were kissing a girl, who by the way isn't my sister? Or better known as your girlfriend?"

His green eyes turned a whole shade darker. "If you tell Lacee I swear-"

I cut him off, "You'll what? Kill me?" I promted.

"Worse. I'll make your life a living hell." he snarled, "Everything you accomplish, I'll destory it. Everyone you love, I'll drive away from you. So just think about that."

He left. Leaving me shocked. Would he really do that to me if I tell? I thought back to the way his eyes looked when he said that. They were dark, and mean. I think he did mean it. I went and sat on my purple comforter. I can't tell Lacee, it will ruin her. But won't it ruin her if she finds him cheating on her? I was left with this debate. Finally I came to the conclusion that I would never tell Lacee. That's why when Lacee anounced on Christmas that Kyle and her were moving to London, I didn't say anything. But now that I'm going to London to visit her and Kyle, I don't know if I can't tell her what happened that day. So I guess what happens, happens.



Author's Note

Okay guys, I'm bringing back Forever and Always! The chapters are going to be the same, besides the last couple. I feel as though I moved to fast with the last three chapters, so I'm just going to take a different turn! So yea! :)









Stay weird,



Kenzie :)


Or Mack, or Mackenzie.... whatever works

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2013 ⏰

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