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To be honest, I'd been very lonely before he came into my life. I... really never could say what I wanted to say, to say how I felt. Not even with the few friends I made, back before I began to shut everyone out. But then he came along and broke through the walls I'd carefully constructed as if they'd never existed. And I suppose in a way, they didn't—not for him. Walls were meant for those like me, who feared closeness and, most of all, rejection. Not for the rare few like him—those who lived life with neither fear nor regret. He was a man's man in many ways: tough, strong, keen on sport, and popular with men and women alike. Yet he was also tender-hearted and loving and compassionate. And in the end, I decided I had two choices: I could push him away, too, and build the walls up again, or I could take the hand he offered me in friendship, step over the rubble that was all that remained of my former barricade, and face life—if not exactly without fear, then at least with courage.

I took his hand.


"Hmmph!" Pico exclaimed. "Here comes Mr. Perfect-pants! Oh, why doesn't he just go away already? Can't he tell you're not interested in him? Right, Dolly?"

I didn't reply, but I felt my heart beat a little faster, and then my cheeks grew warm with that realization. And that upset me, this visible sign of my inner perturbance.

"Dolly?" Pico repeated anxiously, hoping I would agree. Yet I remained silent. With a reproachful, injured glare, she disappeared from sight.

"Good morning, Dolce," he called out as he strode down the street towards me. "It's a lovely day, isn't it?"

"I'm not fond of hot weather, really," I stated, turning away to hide my cheeks.

"Oh? That's a shame. I was hoping you'd like to join me on a walk."

I turned quickly and looked at him, surprised. "You were? Well...."

"It's all right," he added quickly. "It is a little on the warm side. Maybe you'd prefer to go this evening instead, after it's cooled off a little? We could walk over to Keeno Lake and watch the sunset."

"That... sounds acceptable," I replied after a little hesitation. "Thank you."

"Great! How about I come by for you around, say, 19:00? It should be starting to cool down a little by then." I nodded, and he smiled warmly. "See you later, then!"

As he turned and left, walking back towards the castle of the Dragon God where he lived, Pico reappeared, still in a huff. "Just who does he think he is, anyway? Prince, indeed!"

"Go away, Pico," I frowned in annoyance at her carping. "He's every bit as noble as Arthur, who is a Prince by birth. And besides...." I trailed off, and Pico floated nearer to me.

"Besides what, Dolly?" she asked anxiously, her voice quavering.

I didn't reply, but I thought to myself that whatever he may or may not be, he played life to win. And before I'd even recognized a game had been initiated, he'd already won.

Memories and Shadows [Rune Factory 4]Where stories live. Discover now