Chapter 43

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"Hey Zee" Liam says opening his boyfriend's bedroom, he noticed the boy had been lying in bed

Zayn lifts his head up slightly, "I haven't seen you in 64 years, what the hell" he says opening his arms

Liam quickly takes his sneakers off belly flopping next to him, "I missed you" Zayn pouts cuddling closer, "Missed you too, where've you been?"

"Packing, my mum's excited to go back to Wolverhampton. Been buzzing about it since we got out"

Zayn smiles, it's only been two days of spring break and he doesn't think the time could go any slower.

"Your aunt said you weren't feeling well, what's the matter?" Liam asks, pressing a kiss on Zayn's forehead.

"My head's been hurting" Liam runs his back gently, "Anything I can do to help?" "I think you being here helps, you're the only one that's making me feel better"

Liam smiles giving Zayn's shoulder a slight squeeze, "You're growing mushy on me Zee" "Oh shut up and cuddle me" Zayn says snuggling his face in the crook of Liam's neck

Liam smiles, "I want a kiss" Zayn moves out of Liam's neck puckering his lips, "Gimme, I've missed them so much"

Liam leans down kissing him softly. Zayn immediately wraps his arms around his neck pulling him close

It was nice and slow, just the way Liam likes it. Liam pulls away licking at Zayn's bottom lip, "Have your lips gotten softer?"

"Mhm maybe" Zayn says smiling a little. Liam kisses his forehead repeatedly before cuddling him. He knew something was wrong because his boyfriend wasn't normally his moody

"You have something to tell me Zayn?" "What?" He asks frowning. "Your dreams getting worse?" Liam asks looking down at him

Zayn fiddles with his shirt, "No" he mumbles. "Look at me when I'm talking to you" Liam says waiting to see those hazel eyes he loves so much

"Yes" Zayn mumbles. "Why didn't you tell me? Or atleast anyone else? Your friends," Zayn makes a face, they were assholes at the moment.

"Carla," Zayn doesn't want to go back to the hospital, he doesn't want a repeat of years ago. "Avan," Zayn bites his lip, he has a feeling he already knows

"And me, you know you could come to me about anything Zee" Liam says sitting up a little.

Zayn lays his head on Liam's lap, "I would, but none of them, not even toy, would understand what's wrong with me"

"Give it a shot, and if I still don't understand them please tell someone who will" Liam begs making Zayn fiddle with his hands

"What are the dreams even about?" "My mum" "What is she doing?" "Hitting me, cursing at me, calling me names. I don't like talking about it Liam"

"You ever thought of going to a therapist?" "Their bullshit, the only reason why I stopped seeing one way back is that I pretended to feel better. That's how bad she was"

"Promise me Zayn, while I'm gone you're going to talk to someone" Zayn bites at his lip a little, "Liam" "Promise me, pinky promise remember?" He asks, his fingers brushing against the ring on Zayn's finger

"Fine, promise" "Say 'I promise'. I'll truly believe you if you do it" "I promise Liam James Payne that I Zayn javadd Beyoncé Malik will talk to someone about my problems"

Liam scrunches his nose laughing, "I believe you" he says, leaning down to kiss the younger boy. Zayn smiles widely poking his forehead, "What are you laughing at?"

"Zayn Beyoncé Malik?" "Yes, problem?" "That's quite the middle name" "I know, but Allah took his precious time on me. So everything had to be perfect, even my whole name"

"You're getting cocky again Hun" "I know, maybe you should learn some tricks from the queen"

"That's cute" Liam says bopping his nose, he moves Zayn's head slightly standing up. "Where you going? You just got here"

"M'not leaving you babe, let's go for a walk" "Ew no, the outside is disgusting" "Get up, now" Liam says sternly making Zayn snort

"Who the hell you talking to?" "My boyfriend, now c'mon out some shoes on" "Damn bitch, that's not how you ask. Ask nicely and I'll reconsider"

"Will you please get up and get some shoes on so we can walk, the weather is lovely" Zayn lays back down, "Naw I'm good, thanks for asking boo"

Liam walks over picking up Zayn in a swiftly making the dark haired boy scream. "Don't you drop me!"

"I would never, I promise" Zayn nods but as soon as Liam pretends to drop him Zayn screams louder

"Fuck you asshole!" "I love you too Princess"


"Why are we out here? It smells like grass out here" "Shhh, I want to enjoy this whole day with you okay? I leave tomorrow and I want to spend time with my lovely boyfriend"

Zayn smiles sadly sneaking his way under Liam's arm, "Do you have to leave?" "Yes but I'll be back Sunday"

Zayn nods, today was the happiest he's been since they've left school. He doesn't want Liam to go now, he was just going to get worse

"I love you" Liam says out of nowhere catching Zayn off guard. "What was that for?"

"Just because" Liam asks kissing his head. "Well okay then, I love you too" Liam grins down at him as they walk into the park.

"You won't be too bad this week, I mean you got your Harry Potter books" "Shhh, I don't want people to know I like the series"

"And the movies, look I even remembered one of the spells!" "And that is?" "Exspecto Patronum" Liam shouts, jabbing at the air

"I'm impressed, but one lousy spell isn't getting you nowhere with me" "Figured" Liam says pulling Zayn on the bench beside him

Zayn leans his head on his shoulder, "I don't want you to go" "It's only a few days, then I'll be back in your arms"

Zayn smiles a little intertwining his fingers with Liam, he doesn't even think he'll be here when Liam comes back

He had a clear vision in what he was going to do. He loved Liam but he was just so tired, he didn't want to do any of this anymore

"Liam, I'm tired" Liam presses a kiss to his temple, "Stay awake for me, I promise it's worth it"


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