Part 16 - You Found Me

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(A/N: This is the before last chapter! It's almost over! So if you are a reader who doesn't comment and like, please comment and like, because I'm not posting the last chapter until I have 3 likes (which would be 2 more than what I usually get hahaha)

Don't forget to comment and like!


   The next day, Britney had an unexplainable smile on her face all day. When asked why, she just claimed she was in a good mood.

   It was odd, because she was the kind whose mood was very influenced with who she was with and I wasn’t exactly the most cheery person around. Maybe it was someone at her job making her giddy like that, but didn’t want to talk to me about it because of my official sucky love life.

   She didn’t give up on trying to make me smile.

   Britney was a beautiful tall blond and was always saw the good in even the darkest of times. That’s why I loved her so much. I was forever a dark kind of person. Dark clothing and dark hair and a bit of a downer attitude. The only light thing about me was my skin that was oddly pale for a California girl such as myself. Britney’s sunshine seemed to lighten me up a bit.

   She went off to work and I noticed she didn’t lock the door like she did so I locked it myself. She’ll just have to knock if she forgot her key.

   I was full of energy that day, but didn’t have much to do so I attacked the house work and before I knew it, the whole house was spotless.

But I still felt anxious, wanting to move badly. I was either tapping my foot or my fingers on the table. I my mind was blank for some reason. I wasn’t thinking of anything. Nada. Only the fact that I needed to move. So I stole some of Britney’s sweats and jumped on the treadmill she kept in the basement while blasting music from her computer.

   My mind was on off. I just ran and ran and ran.

   I wasn’t thinking of Tom, of Charlotte or of Hunter. I just ran. It felt good.

   I think I ran about 30 minutes straight when I couldn’t take it anymore – give me a break, I work in a bakery for crying out loud! -- and stopped the treadmill. I turned the music off, finding it suddenly way too loud, and sat down on the treadmill, breathing hard. I was covered in sweat and probably stanked.

   I got up on my weak legs and went upstairs to the kitchen where I poured myself a huge glass of water.

   I was just then starting to feel like everything might be ok. That I might just get over Tom and live as if none of this had ever happened, but at the same time, I would always know that Hunter happened.

   I was going to walk to the bathroom to shower up when someone knocked on the door. Wondering who the Hell it could be, I ran to the front door and opened it.

   If I could go back in time, I’d do my usual and run away from things that scared me, but I desperately wanted to be stronger.

   That’s why I didn’t run away when I let Hunter into Britney’s house.

   “Hey, Dia,” he simply said, smiling sadly.

   “Hi, Hunt,” I replied. “Hum, what brings you here? Didn’t you find my note?”

   “Yeah, I did. I should really stop drinking. First time I wake up hanged over, I married I girl I didn’t love and the second time, I lost the girl I did,” he said, trying to add some humour to the situation, but failed.

   “What are you talking about? All you lost was the girl you married though you didn’t love,” I said, but with a hint of question.

   “No, Dia. That’s where you’re wrong,” he said, dead serious. “Could we maybe sit down and talk about this?” he proposed.

   I nodded my head and he followed me to the living room. I sat down on the sofa for one and he sat on the couch in front of me.

   “Acadia, I wasn’t that drunk, I remember what I said. I remember kissing you. I remember you not pulling away,” he stated, looking me in the eye. “I don’t regret marrying you at all. To be honest, before you arrived, my life was getting old, doll even. But that night, you found me and changed everything. You changed my life and I don’t want it to go back that the way it was before. But it probably doesn’t matter anymore...”

   “What do you mean, Hunt?” I asked, knowing exactly what he meant.

   “I mean that... I do love you. It wasn’t just drunk Hunter talking. But I just wanted to apologize for saying that and the kiss. It was stupid of me. You have Tom and I—“

   “Not anymore,” I cut him off. “I’m not with Tom, I dumped him,” I informed him.

   “Why?” he said, confused.

   Tears started to form in my eyes and I sniffed loudly.

   “He, hum, I caught him cheating... on me... when I arrived home,” I said, trying hard to not burst into tears.

   Hunter instantly got up and I followed his motion. He wrapped me in his arms, ignoring the fact I was sweaty and disgusting. Boy, I picked a day to go running.

   “Fool. An absolute fool,” he said softly, caressing my hair.

   I tighten my grip. Man, I missed him.

   We finally pulled away and he looked me in the eyes.

   “Are you ok?” he said, concerned.

   “I will be,” I answered honestly.

   “I’m here for you, no matter what. I love you, Dia.”

   “I-I think I love you too,” I finally admitted to him and to myself. “But what about Samantha?” I asked.

   He had a smile sweet smile that faced when I mentioned his best friend, but it quickly reappeared and he cupped my face between his hands. I thought he was going to kiss me on the lips again, like the other night. Instead, he left one soft gently kiss on the top of my forehead. He then wrapped me back into his arms.

   “She’s a sister to me... being with her would be the most odd and repulsive thing to me... Will you come back to England with me?” he asked, out of the blue.

   I looked up at him without understanding. Was he serious?

   “Come back to England with me,” he insisted. “I want to be with you and I can’t do that half way around to the world. I know you’re hurting right now and that we can’t be together for a while, but I’m willing to wait as long as possible,” he said, softly, brushing a strand of hair out of my face.

   “I-I don’t know, Hunt... I can’t just leave again... permanently. I have a job, a house, friends...” I said, my voice shaking.

   “Please...” he was practically begging.

   I sighed while looking into those beautiful blue eyes of him. How could I say no? He had an unfair advantage.

   “I’ll think about it,” I finally said.

   He smiled and after saying our goodbyes – for now – he left to go back at his Hotel.

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