Baby, baby (RPF- Alycia x Reader)

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" Are you sure you're okay?" Alycia asked as she helped me sit on the couch. I cringed at the pain in my legs before I nodded my head lightly.

"I'm sure, it's just a little uncomfortable at the moment " I said softly closing my eyes as I shifted uncomfortably in the chair. I was just beginning to fall asleep when the sounds of a babies cry came from across the room. My eyes opened as I proceeded to get up, but a hand gently pushed me back down.

"I've got it" Alycia said as she picked up the two day old baby.

"Hey Luca, buddy" Alycia spoke softly to the tiny boy in her arms, her hand gently rubbing his head. His cries subsided as Alycia began to rock him side to side softly. Once the little boy was sleeping again, Alycia placed him back into his basket that was next to the couch before she settled herself next to me. She pulled me into hr side and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Why is there no instruction manual?" I asked, a small laugh fell from Alycia's lips before she replied.

"He's just a baby, baby"

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