Lil' fighter (Clarke x Reader)

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"What the hell were you thinking?" Clarke asked as she dabbed my lip with the wet cloth before she rinsed it again. Her eyes were full of concern but she sounded angry.

"He asked for it Clarke! Do you really think I would start a fight if it wasn't worth it?" I asked my voice cracked , I felt like I had disappointed her. Clarke reached up to caress my cheek.

"Babe I'm not mad at you...just he was three times the size of you... and the way he was hitting scared me ... I thought he was going to kill you" Her voice was quiet and soft. I blinked back the tears that were threatening to fall.

"I'm sorry Clarke" I whispered putting my head down " I should have kicked his ass " Clarke giggled a bit , mumbling a 'sorry' as I hissed when the cloth came into contact with a cut under my eye.

"Clarke" I said grabbing the blondes attention, she hummed in response looking up at me. " I love you"

A smile appeared on her face, she lent up to kiss my lips softly " I love you too , my lil' fighter"

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