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When Evan woke up, he didn't feel like himself. Something had changed, but he couldn't pinpoint what it was. He got up and examined the very well lit room that surrounded him. There was a bed, and a window that sat right behind it, but that was it. Everything in the room was white and because of that, Evan became very scared. "Oh no", he thought. Evan's hands began to shake as he realized that maybe he had been sent away. Maybe this time he had blacked out and tried to hurt himself, or worse. He walked to the door, which didn't look anything like it was supposed to keep a psycho from escaping. 

He opened the door without any complications, and realized that he wasn't in a mental hospital at all... he was in a, waiting room of some sort. He sat down on a bench next to a man who was reading a book. Evan thought that maybe he should ask the woman behind the front desk where he was, but before he could even get up the woman looked at him and began to speak, "You're waiting for your guide. Don't be frightened." 

Evan sat there, staring at the woman for a couple seconds, "What guide?"

She smiled while getting up to open the door. She motioned for Evan to go through the door. Evan got up reluctantly and walked through the doorway. The woman grinned, "Go to the purple door." 

Evan furrowed his eyebrows and slowly walked down a hallway of doors. Each was a different color and Evan assumed they were offices for these "guides". He made it to the purple door and stared at it for a brief second before turning the doorknob. When he came in, he was immediately greeted by a man in a purple suit. The man had big innocent eyes and looked to be about 25 or so. The man sat with his hand out in front of him, waiting for Evan to shake it. 

Evan shook his hand and the man began to speak, "Hi I'm your guide. How are you? How was your trip? Do you like the color I chose? How are you feeling?"

Evan stared into the man's blue eyes for a moment, "Erm... that was a lot of questions..." 

The man looked a bit discouraged for a moment and motioned for Evan to sit down on the recliner next to a couple white bookcases, "I'm sorry if I ask too many questions. Do I really ask too many questions? Oh why do I ask so many questions?" 

Evan giggled a bit, he felt safe around the man and he couldn't comprehend why. The man had a very "father-like" quality. The man smiled really big, "I'm Dan. Did I tell you that already?"

Evan snickered, "No, but you did successfully ask another question." 

Dan laughed as well, "Sorry. I'm just really excited, I've been waiting for you."

Evan grew confused, "You have?" He thought for a second, "Could you tell me where I am?" 

Dan smiled again, his teeth were a perfect shade of white. In fact, now that Evan began to think about it, everything here was perfect. He felt happy, and he still wasn't sure why. "You are wherever you want to be," 

Evan came to a realization, "Wait.... how did you know my name? I never told you."

Dan pulled a file out with Evan's name written on it in purple, "I have everything about you in this file here. I've read everything over the last couple weeks,"

Evan adjusted his eyes, was the file bigger than he thought? There's no way you could keep everything about someone in a small file. "Isn't that folder a bit small? 

Dan pushed his hand into the folder and Evan realized just how deep it was. It was like Mary Poppin's purse. Evan's eyes grew wide. Dan pulled out some pieces of paper, with very small font on it. One was entitled, "Favorite foods" another was titled, "6th Grade Crushes" there were more but Evan was almost in shock.  

Dan wrote down some quick notes and then looked up to notice Evan jaw almost on the floor, "Um as I was saying.... You can be anywhere you want here. Just picture the place in your head and you will be there..."

Evan just nodded, he didn't know what to say. "And when you get tired, you can come here to eat and sleep or just lounge. Your room is on the next floor, you'll find your name on the door." Dan thought for a second, "Oh! And your door will be purple as well, since that's the color I chose." 

Evan blinked, "So you're like my guide?"

Dan nodded, "Yes, if you ever need anything you can just come knock on my door. I'll always be here." 

Evan felt like he was dreaming, was he? Dan handed Evan a map of the building and sent him on his way. "The sole purpose of staying here is to be happy." Dan, said. 

Evan got up slowly. Before leaving the room, he looked back, "Thanks... Dan" 

Dan waved, "No problem, Evan." 

[imagining home] 

Evan approached his door. Directly under his name were the words, "Imagine your room".  Evan thought for a second. He imagined the the perfect room, and when he opened the door he saw exactly what he pictured. Evan went to the bed that he had pictured and laid down. He didn't know what to do. He was completely oblivious to what was happening. He thought for a minute, "Maybe I'm dead?" he thought. He rolled over to his side and suddenly he was very tired.  Evan slowly fell asleep. He was tired he felt like he was melting into the bed almost. 

[author's note]

So.... that was an interesting chapter wasn't it? Make sure to vote and comment if your entertained by Evan's crazy life, and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2016 ⏰

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