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Evan picked up his pencil when he realized just how tired he was. Staring at his math homework he noticed the small symbols, almost floating around the page. He began to write but all he could feel was the melting of the pencil in his hand. Or was it the melting the of the world around him? He put his work down to examine the room around him. The scenery had melted and created a boiling and steamy swamp, around him. And he found himself floating on top of the couch. 

The plants that were once so small and dependent on a human owner were now towering above him. Like monsters looking down on him, with their menacing eyes. Or they weren't plants. Yeah, that it... they were in fact monsters towering above him, calling for his soul. He cried out in horror as the tree that was once so miniscule was now chasing him. He attempted to row the couch that had now became an actual boat. And his pencil was now a giant obnoxious oar. 

The monster let out a bone shaking growl. Evan turned his head back to get a glimpse of the horrible plant monster. When he looked back he was startled with surprise to notice that the monster had vanished. He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. He could feel sweat building up on his hands. He began to row again, until he looked in front of him, just to catch a look at the monsters face. 

The monster was ugly and even bigger than Evan had expected. It had green eyes that also held just a bit of red behind them. And when it opened its mouth, Evan could see all the way down it's throat. It was like a looking into an endless cave. Evan could only make out the components of the cave that were closer to the front. Where the light could hit the shining faults that Evan was seeing. 

All this happened in a quick moment. At the sight of the monsters hideous face, Evan gasped. He was trying to scream but his body couldn't take in enough air at that time in order to produce any noise over a soft murmur. The monster lifted his long arms and wrapped his fingers around Evan's body. The plant monster picked him up and Evan could finally let out a shriek  of complete terror. Evan looked down into the monsters mouth and could see at the very bottom of infinity, a pool of boiling lava. There was a brief second where everything stopped and Evan could here a bell ringing. 

And that's when he woke up. Jan gently shook Evan, "That was the last bell, it's time to go home." 

Evan sat up quickly, "I slept for six hours?"

Jan giggled a bit, "Yeah, I didn't want to wake you." 

Evan grabbed his backpack quickly, "Thank's Jan." With that he rushed out the door. He headed to his mom's car which he spotted very quickly. 

He took off his back pack and placed it in the seat behind him. Marydith started to drive, "How was your day honey," 

Evan just sighed, "not good,"

Marydith's expression grew rather sad, "Oh..."

Evan regretted that, "I'm okay mom. I promise." He smiled, trying to reassure her. 

She looked less hesitant now, "I believe you...." She trailed off, "Do you want to pick up dinner?"

Evan nodded. Marydith took a turn towards a local fast food restaurant. The car fell silent. Evan looked out the window, taking not of the skate park and the arcade that sat directly next to it. He had had so many great memories, right there in that arcade. Evan remembered the Cam's face the first he did a successful 360 flip. Everyone had crowded around Cam and began to cheer. Evan could hear it now. The sound of a crowd of 11 year olds practically screaming in joy after their friend landed a trick. 

The sound of an angry semi passed the car. Startled, Evan jumped. Marydith looked over to Evan with a very troubled look. 

[the safest panicking]

Evan scarfed down a slice of hot pizza, practically starving. It had been a good while since he felt like eating. It wasn't a weight thing, it just didn't interest him anymore. He said goodnight to his mother and started to walk up the stairs. He felt alone now. The further he walked up the stairs, the further he distanced himself, the more he felt the world come down on his shoulders. He felt his muscles melt under exhaustion and when he walked into his room he turned off the lights and sat on the bed. Thinking. 

Evan had became good at thinking, or at least it seemed. He could think for hours. His thoughts were so brutal towards him. They were his biggest critics, and most of the time he felt that they told the truth. They had convinced Evan that life was so meaningless. That nothing was thought out, and therefore he shouldn't have to worry about things like grades, or sports, or even his mom. In the end, Evan would die alone. And he wasn't necessarily hurt by this observation either. 

But something came over Evan and he couldn't shake it. Ethan had so many plans, so many things that he wanted to do and now it could never happen. Out of the two twins, the one who had the most aspirations had been taken away. Evan tossed in turned, now laying down. He wondered how long he had sat there, he thought about how easy it would be to sit there forever and he found himself in the realization that it was so possible for him. Who says he couldn't lie there for eternity? 

Evan got up, knowing well that his mind was playing tricks on him. Tonight was just another night, he knew exactly how it would play out. Like a DVD he had played on repeat forever. He knew the in's and out's of this particular scene. He would play video games until his alarm went off and then he would go to school, and then he would find himself thinking, and then he would play video games again, and then his alarm would go off. 

Evan got up, grabbing an old controller. He looked over to the other controller, Ethan's controller. No one had touched it since the accident. Evan thought about that for a moment and continued with his game. Evan watched the loading screen sit, he felt like he had waited for hours when he started to notice the edges of the geometric shapes on the screen begin to deteriorate. The letters on the screen slowly moved to the bottom of the tv screen and then it was gone. 

This was also the same time that Evan felt his chest begin to burn. His heart beat became rapid. Evan's thoughts were mixed all over the place. He tried to move but he fell cold on the ground. Tears began to pour from his face. He tried to make a noise, but he couldn't move, his muscles felt like stone. This time something was corrupt in the DVD and he had no idea what would happen next. The scenes played in front of him but something was wrong and he couldn't stop it. 

[authors note]

Hey guys! So as you noticed, this is the point in the book where things become a bit strange. I hope you're enjoying Evan's story so far, because I enjoy writing it! Make sure to vote and comment because it helps tons, I look forward to you reading the next chapter, cuties!

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