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Hey everyone I um...I have kinda bad news...on my part...well here it goes. My sister might have her 4th miscarriage, my boyfriend is self harming and I found out his dad is a drunk and beats him (kinda like my dad) and my ex was a bitch when I told her I moved on. Girl she was crazy! I...I hope you all understand the whole situation and thanks for the support... I love to read comments and reply to them. Life is a bitch it really is. I also might have to get my jaw broken 6 times which means I'd be out of school for a year. My boyfriend lives 6 hours away from me so I can't check on him. Too much is happening I'm completely distrot. I think I used the right word. But...yeah, I'm not one to hide things from others so I'm gonna tell you all so I hope you understand everything and why I can't post a shit ton.
Bye everyone (I'm gonna take Johnny Gilbert's saying) life's a bitch so don't quit! Piece out thug pugs!~

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