Hospital Part 2

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Sorry its short, ive only just had the chance to write, i promise ill be quicker next time! And it is building to something. I do have an idea! :))

The moment was over too soon for my liking as they seemed to have such a strong connection. I stared intently at them just amazed.

Tyler turned back to me "you look so cute like that" he giggled.

"Stop it Ty, I was just amazed by the relationship you two have. It's amazing!" I smiled to myself.

"Oh sshhh" Josh said laughing. "We'll, I gotta get going but ill be back later. I have to go run a few errands for my mom"

Josh walked out leaving me, Tyler and Bella still fast asleep next to me.

"Hey, do you wanna lie next to me again, without any interruptions? That nurse won't be back for another 30 minutes." He looked at me with sad eyes. I felt like I could see his soul swirling behind his eyes, it was beautiful.
I nodded and climbed into the bed with him and cuddled up to his side. Tyler pulled my head up by my chin and kissed my lips passionately. His warm hands found their way from the back of my head to the small of my back and pulled my body towards his slowly.
I tangled my fingers in his soft brown hair as the kiss deepened. Tyler rolled on top of me and hovered above me, his arms supporting him on either side of my head. He stared at me, eyes full of love "I really do love you, I mean it."

"I know Ty, I really do love you too" I pulled him down onto me and kissed him forcefully, he kissed back deeper and started to put his hands up my shirt when a voice next to us said "Excuse me, I just woke up and this is the sight I'm greeted with? Thanks a lot sis!" Bella pretended to gag.

Tyler slowly got off me, the warmth we shared was gone leaving me colder than before. I got up nonetheless and sat back in my chair next to Bella.

Bella soon got over what she'd just seen and was back to her hyper self pacing around the room and non - stop talking about random things. The latest is cheese.

5 hours later-

I woke up to the sound of Tyler gently saying my name "Hey, Kelly? Kelly?"

"What's up?" I whispered back as my sister was asleep with her head on my shoulder.

"I-i can't sleep.. I need you..." Tyler pulls his covers back and opens his arms awaiting me. I swiftly climbed into his arms and rested my head in the crook of his neck. Tyler wrapped his arms tightly around my waist holding me close to his side. "Don't leave me" his voice breaking as he tightens his grip on me.

"Never" I kissed his neck causing goosebumps to rise on his tanned skin.

"When I get out of here, would you maybe wanna go on tour with us? It's only a 2 week tour as we've already done most of it but I just don't know what I'd do of you weren't there with me every step of the way..." He looked down at me with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"I'll have to make sure my new boss is okay with that, I'm supposed to be starting in a week but I'm sure I could make something up." I smirked, pecked him on the lips and snuggled into his side again.

"What is your job anyway? I've never asked." He tilted his head so he could see mine.

"I'm a designing engineer, I mainly work with interiors on cars. It may seem boring to you but it's interesting to me anyway"

He faked a yawn "Yeah your right, boring..."

I laughed and playfully hit his chest. He laughed at this too. This boy... I smiled to myself like an idiot.

We fell asleep a few hours later at around 2:30 in eachothers arms. I don't think anything could ever beat this moment.

4 hours later-

I was rudely shaken awake by the Nurse, Jenna. "I've told you before, you can't be on the bed. Please get off." She took a step back waiting patiently for me to move.

I tried to prise myself out of Tyler's grip but he wouldn't budge. Everytime I moved the grip would get tighter, I couldn't even sit up.

"Ty, hun, you need to let go of me so I can sit in the chair." I whispered in his ear causing him to smirk. At that point I knew what he was doing.. but I didn't give in, "The nurse is here to do your check up."

Tyler groaned and loosened his grip on me allowing me to move and exit the bed to the seat I was sat in last night.

"Happy now?" I said to the nurse who nodded her approval looking very pleased with herself.

"Mr. Joseph? I need to check your vitals. Could you wake up please?" She said kindly. 2 faced cow...

Once she'd finished and left Bella had woke up and was rambling on about the dream she had whilst I was staring out of the window next to Tyler's bed. I could see the horizon which had been reshaped by the cityscape. There were black birds dancing in the bright, clear blue sky with the sun peeking through from behind the buildings near us. The view was very calming to me, I get too focused on the colours and shapes, I let my imagination run wild but I sometimes wish I didn't...

I went to pull out my phone after a while of looking at the ever changing view only to find my phone dead. "Um... Ty, do you mind if I go back to the house and get my charger? I'll be super quick and careful!"

"I really don't like the idea Kel" Kel huh? I guess it could grow on me...

"But I need to keep in touch with friends from England and also work." I said with my arms crossed.

"How about, I get Josh to meet you outside your house for when you arrive and then drive up here together?" He tilted his head to the side.

"Deal" Me and Tyler shook hands.

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