Where it all started

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One warm summer day, a girl was sitting besides her mother's bed. Her mother had passed away a few minutes earlier . The little girl was clutching a conch she'll that her mother had given her before her death. With the gift her mother's words were, "Blow into the conch shell when you are in trouble and help will arrive."
About 9 years after her mom had died, her dad fell in love again. Her father was truly crazy about her. He took Lindsey into a private spot and said what would you think if I asked Lucinda to Marry Me Lindsey answered sure I would love a new mom she did want a new mom but she did not want it to be loosened up 5 months later the wedding day had arrived it was beautiful and her dad was once again joined in the hands of marriage. she thought everything was going to be fine until she met her new step sisters when Lindsay bumped into one of them at the wedding reception the conversation that like this. Who are you? I am his daughter she points so what are your names? she's Maggie and I am sinisa we are her daughters. whoa whoa whoa does that mean that your our sister ?then they both went screaming to their mom and started crying at her feet. during that time they were saying do I have to be sisters with her? then Lindsey said excuse me but we would actually be stepsisters. Maggie and Sydney so started crying even harder.


what do you guys think do far sorry the grammar is so bad I'm using Google speak and it is not working very well thank you for your cooperation.

Lindsay: A Cinderella  StoryWhere stories live. Discover now