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This is the awkward friend zone of Solangelo.

Nico's P.O.V.

    I froze as I saw Jason Grace, one of my closest friends, skip past Will and I mumbling,
    "OTP, OTP!" He saw us standing together and giggled. Then he ran to his cabin.
    "What's Jason up to?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
   Will and I locked eyes and simultaneously sprinted after Jason.
"Jason?" I called, knocking on his door after we jogged to his cabin. "Jason!"
We heard a swoon and I suddenly wondered if Piper was in there. But then we heard Jason say,
"Solangelo is my liffeeee!!!!"
Will and I exchanged looks.
    "Uh, Jason, come on, open the door," Will called. He gave me a face that said, JASON: SICK.
    "Okey dokey!" called the son of the sky. He opened the door and smiled wide.
    "Helloooo OTP," he cheered.
    "Um, hi?" I asked. I swept past Jason and froze for the second time in 10 minutes.
    "What the-?" Will whispered.
    "I ship it so much!!!!" Jason squealed. All around the Zeus cabin were pictures (some photoshopped) and posters. A million notebooks littered the bed.
    "Is this me and Will?" I questioned, pointing to an obviously fake picture of Will grabbing my crotch. My mouth was wide open in the picture, as if moaning in pleasure.
    "Yep," giggled Jason. Will walked over to the bed and opened a notebook. He read a page, gagged and put it down.
    "So you 'ship' us. What does that mean? OTP? I'm so lost," I muttered, my face red.
    "Ship, like romantic. Like, my one true pairing. That's what an OTP is."
    Will started blushing.
    "Okay, I'm gonna leave. That picture of me on top of Nico shirtless is making me uncomfortable. Plus, Nico gripping the bed sheets is pretty weird," Will shuddered.
    "Yeah...." I trailed. "Uh, get better soon I guess." Jason squeaked in response.
    "That was weird," I said, after we walked out of the Zeus cabin.
    "Who knows?" Will shrugged. "Maybe Jason can predict the future."
    I stopped and gaped as Will smirked and ran off to the infirmary.

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