X-Xanthocomic Boy

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Nico's P.O.V.

There are two things you should know about me. 1. I am a nerd. 2. I hate the word blonde.
In my Ancient Greek textbook, as I soon discovered one boring day, xanthocomic means yellow hair.
When I first started dating Will Solace, I commented on his xanthocomic hair, not his blonde hair.
    With an amused smile he asked me what it meant. So I told him. The word xanthocomic became an inside joke for the two of us.
    In public, if I said the word, people would ask us. We would respond with laughter as if it meant something dirty or bad.
    But then the accident happened. Will was gone. It was just me and my friends for a couple of days. Crying, hugging, mourning.
    At the service, they asked me to speak. Because I was Will's past boyfriend.
    Now, today, I step up to the podium, my hands clutching my speech. Voice trembling, I cleared my throat.
    "We are here today for a man. Well, barely a man. He was only 23." I stopped, looking at my audience. Hazel, my half sister, nodded at me encouragingly.
    "Will Solace was everything to me. His dazzling, diamond eyes melted me. His smile sent my heart fluttering. And maybe it's wrong to say that because we're in church. But I don't care. I loved Will.
    "I also loved him because of his personality. He was witty, smart, a little stubborn, yes." Laughter. "But he supported me. And he believed in me. He got my weird, nerdy jokes.
    "Xanthocomic is a word in Ancient Greek, as some of you know," I said, gesturing to Chiron and some former CHB members. "It means blonde hair." I grimaced.
    "I think the word blonde was too little for Will. He was way more than little. I wanted to use a big word for a big man. I always thought he would something amazing with his life. Now we'll never know."
    Will's mother choked on a sob. I brushed a tear out of my eye.
    "Will Solace is the love of my life," I said fiercely, taking on a new anger. "I refuse to say was. To me, and probably all of you too, Will is still here with us.
    "I love him. And you do too. It was a shame that he died. It should have been me." I heard a sigh from Hazel. I had been saying that since I heard that Will had died.
    "Rest in piece, my xanthocomic boy," I whispered. "I'll see you in Esyleim."
    Walking back to the pews, I cried. I would see him again. In this life, or another.

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