Tyler, She loves you

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Lisa's POV
Finally the awkwardness was over when Christina finally spoke up "okay let's get to work!" She said clapping her hands and all started warming up our voices and such, and Tyler spoke up "okay who recording first?" He asked and we all just looked at each other and then Christina spoke up "We are doing fall back first, so I'll first, since I'm doing the first verse, ams then Lisa, and Dani, then Katherine, Amy, and Lauren?" She said and Tyler nodded "that will work" he said sitting down and getting the equipment set up and then Christina went in to record while me and the rest of girls went out
"Lisa, is this awkward for you?" Lauren asked giving me a weird look
"A little, but it will be okay" I said assuring her and we all just started talking about random even tho Tyler had never left my mind.

Tyler's POV
"Okay Christina" I said while getting my computer for her to record "let's hear it" I said laughing and she just gave me a look
"First can I talk to you about something?" She said and even though I know what exactly this is about
"What's up?" I asked her
"Tell me the truth" she said
"About what?" I said
"Lisa" she added
"What about her?" I said raising my eyebrow
"What's the real reason why you broke up with her" she said giving me serious look
"That was the real reason" I said lying
"Tyler, I know you, I see the way you look at Lisa, you love her, and just the way you looked at her just now, there's no way you could have "Lost feelings" for her, so tell me the truth Tyler" she said giving me a look and I finally gave in
"Fine" I said taking a deep breath and then started back up again
"You know how Lisa always put other people before herself?" I said and she nodded her and proceeded me to go on
"Well, you guys are doing such great things with the band, and I want lisa to focus on that, I don't want her to worry about me you know? Also with me being so far from you guys, I knew it would better for her, it sucks, when I can't physically be there for her you know? Like when she calls me crying because of her anxiety and such, I can't be there to hold because I know that's the only thing that calms her down, and I want her to be with someone who can be there for that stuff, and not worry about me, and focus on the band" I said giving her a look
"So you want Lisa, to have someone, that can be there, you want what best for her, and you're saying that you can't give her what she deserves when she's so far away" she said and I just nodded
"Exactly, I never lost feelings for her, that was the hardest thing I have ever had to do, that's probably why I did it without emotion, but it was killing me inside, it was because I love her, and I can't give her what she needs with the distance and I knew if I told her the real reason, she will do anything she can to assured me it will be fine, but like I said, I want her to focus on herself " I said while thinking of what a mistake I made
"Tyler, can I say something?" She said and I just nodded
"That was really sweet, but I will tell you this, Lisa loves you, and she thinks the world of you, but I don't know if she will bounce back to you right away, but she does love you, you were the first guy she fell in love with, but first boyfriend for that matter, you give her everything you can, and that all she needs" she said while smiling at me which made me feel better
"I screwed up big time didn't I?" I said taking a breath
"Eh a little bit, but not exactly, I mean, she's just stubborn, but you need to tell her the truth so she doesn't keep thinking you're a jerk" she said and I just hates to hear that
"She thinks I'm a jerk?" I said
"Well, she's just confused now, and she just trying to figure it out, but she knows you're not one of those guys, that is why she was so shock, so again talk to her, or else its going to make her trust issues worse" she said and I just nodded and smiled
"I will talk to her, I missed her like crazy" I said putting face into my hands
"Tyler it will be okay" she said while giving me a smile "it just Lisa, she's harmless, just let tell her the truth" and I nodded once again and man does Christina have ways with words
"Thanks Christina, now I see why Lisa looks up to you so much" I said laughing and she laughed as well
"Well pinky promise me, you will tell lisa the truth" Christina said while giving out her pinky
"Why's that?" I said confused
"Because I don't want Lisa with anyone else, I never seen a guy show love for her like you do" she said giving me a seriously and I just smirked and attached my pinky to hers
"Pinky Promise"

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