Chapter 2: Getting Settled

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A/N: Hey guys welcome to Chapter 2. Hope your ready for feels because there is a lot of cuteness in this chapter.

Mabel ran up to Dipper giving him a hug.

"I missed you big brother," said Mabel.

Dipper smiles and returns the hug.

"I missed you too baby sister," said Dipper.

They released from the hug.

"What's with the pet carrier?"

"Oh right," said Mabel, "Now presenting Waddles."

Just then a little baby piglet walked out of the pet carrier.

"Uh Mabel, this place doesn't allow pets."

"No, talk this over with your landlord downstairs, they don't allow dogs, cats, hamsters, rabbits, and/or Mice. There's nothing in there about pigs."

"Are you planning on becoming a lawyer when you grow up?"


"Well you should you're good at it apparently."

Mabel just giggles.

"Just quick question where did get that pig I thought mom and dad wouldn't let you have a pig," said Dipper, "So how did you get one?"

"I saved him actually," said Mabel, "We were on a field trip to the football factory and he was about to be turned into one but a saved him, now I'm banned from even returning to that place."

"But how did mom and dad let you keep him?"

"A lot of convincing."

Dipper laughs at his little sisters response.

"Really glad you find a way to keep your cuteness," said Dipper, "Want me to show you to your room?"

"Yes please," said Mabel.

"Now which do you like to go by walking or piggy back?"

Mabel climbs onto Dipper's back.

"Onward Aoshima!," said Mabel.

Dipper laughs as he is walking her to her new room.

"Sorry it's not much but we made the best that we could," said Dipper.

He opens the door to reveal a room with white painted walls, dresser, closet, vanity, and a bed with pink covers on it.

"It could use a little more of a Mabel touch," said Mabel.

Dipper puts Mabel down. She grabs her suitcase and starts emptying it revealing some plush toys, posters, and some figurines.

Dipper notices something in her suitcase.

"Let me guess, you were with Grandpa Sherman before you came here," said Dipper.

"Yeah why are you asking?" Mabel asked.

"Because last I checked you didn't need to wear these since you were 5."

Dipper pulls out a pull up diaper causing Mabel to facepalm.

"Ugh, Grandpa Sherman," said Mabel, "Geez I how many times do I have to tell him that I'm no longer a bedwetter."

"Hey better than time you watch that scary movie when you weren't supposed to," said Dipper.

"Stop reminding me, the point is it was one time and I got over it."

"Apparently he didn't. But then again your still a baby."

"Oh yeah can a baby do this?"

Mabel then jumps onto Dipper's lap and starts squirming around.

"Ah no the monster is attacking whatever shall I do?" said Dipper sarcastically.

"Blarg! Rarg! Blehh! RESISTANCE IS FUTILE! Blag!" said Mabel.

Dipper starts tickling her making her Laugh.

"Okay I give up I give up," said Mabel.

"Sorry for calling you a baby," said Dipper.

"It's okay I know your joking. But in all seriousness get rid of that diaper."


Pacifica walks in.

"Hey, Dipper, how's it.... Hey you must be Mabel, your brother told me a lot about you," said Pacifica.

"Uh, Dipper who is this?" Mabel asked.

"Mabel, this is my girlfriend Pacifica," said Dipper, "Don't worry she isn't going to be mean to you."

"Yeah, I'll be like the older sister you never had. Do you want a snack?" Pacifica asked

"I am a little hungry, it was a long car ride up here," said Mabel.

"How about whip the 3 of us up a batch of warm cookies how does that sound?"


"I'll be in the kitchen if you 2 need me."

Pacifica walks out of the room.

"She's nice," said Mabel.

"I know," said Dipper.

Dipper and Mabel fix the room up just when the cookies are done cooling from the oven.

"Cookies are ready," said Pacifica.

Dipper and Mabel come in to see a plate full of cookies.

Mabel grabs some and starts eating it like Cookie Monster.

"You some milk that little sis?" Dipper asked.

"Yes please," said Mabel with a months full of cookies.

Mabel drinks her milk.

"I'm glad to see you again little sister," said Dipper.

Mabel gives Dipper a hug.

"I'm glad to be you big brother," said Mabel.

"Hey can I join the hug?" Pacifica asked.

"Oh come here," said Dipper.

They all have a group hug.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this cute chapter I whipped up. I'll put the next chapter. By the way the cookie monster idea was because of this cute commercial I saw last night and I decided why not throw in that reference. Okay see you next chapter, I'll leave you guys with the commercial I was talking about.

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