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Thanks so much for voting sunshine131929 and I know someone else voted but my notifications are acting up again. I swear I try to thank everyone who votes! I appreciate your votes.


My heart was pounding as the three of us walked down the hall, on our way to the cafeteria for breakfast. The small lieutenant and I were walking hand in hand, which I thought was weird, and Reiko was walking beside us, talking.

Reiko turned to me and asked, "So (Y/N), what do you think of the uniform?" She smoothed down some wrinkles and added. "If only it were orange..."

I thought about my answer for a few moments. "I like it/ don't like it {Your choice}, but I'd rather wear something like what lieutenant Kusajishi is wearing." I looked down at the uniform the pink haired lieutenant was wearing in silent envy.

She looked up at me and caught my eye. I hurriedly looked away. For obvious reasons, I was sort of scared of her. "Well, (Nickname) if Kenny doesn't kill you, you might be able to become a lieutenant and wear this everyday!" Her cheerfulness is...creepy.

I didn't respond. Her grip on my hand was a little too hard and my hand is starting to feel cold. Soon the cafeteria came into view and I could smell the scent of food. Gina came racing down the long corridor. "Hey-" She stopped short when she saw the smiling lieutenant. "L-lieutenant?"

She waved her free hand. "Hi!" She said in that cheery voice.

Reiko smiled awkwardly. "Okay guys we'll explain all of 'this' when we find a table and get some breakfast."

I looked around at the packed cafeteria. There were so many students here already, wearing their uniforms and eating. I scoped out a table that had at least seven seats available. "Hey guys," I pointed to the long table. "There's some seats for us over there."

They're heads turned in the direction I pointed. We started to walk to our seats when someone bumped into me hard enough for me to fall over onto the highly durable flooring. Two sets of feet stopped while panicked hands helped me back up.

When I was finally settled on my feet I was looking into the greenest pair of eyes I'd seen in the whole time I've been in the Soul Society. He and his friend put on a concerned face. "I'm so sorry! Yujiro and I were racing to the breakfast bar. Are you alright Ms?"

I dusted myself off and recovered from looking into the handsome boys eyes. "(Y/N) (L/N)." The boy's nodded. "I'm fine." I looked over to the table where my companions were. They were clearly looking around for me.

The boy's followed my line of vision. "So you're sitting over there." He stuck out his hand for me to shake. "I'm Sessue Fuchizaki and my blonde friend here is Yujiro Hideki." I shook both their hands. Sessue took my hand and led me over to my table where my 'friends' were giving me googly eyes. I sat down. "Listen (Y/N) you sit and relax," Sessue began. "And we'll go get your..." He quickly counted the four of us. "Three friends and you your breakfast' really quick. Sound good?" We all nodded and the boy's sped off to the long lunch line.

Reiko raised one eyebrow before saying "Who's the hottie?"

"Sess-" I began but she interrupted me.

"No! The one with light brown eyes and golden hair." She said raising both her eyebrows.

I laughed "His name is Yujiro Hideki."

Gina put her elbow on the table and her fist under her chin. "I haven't seen those boys. They must be older than us, maybe third or fourth years. They're pretty tall." I nodded, agreeing with her. Both boys are at least six feet while I'm a measly (Y/H), well measly to them.

Reiko wasn't paying attention, she was too busy following Yujiro as he walked with Sessue back to our table with her eyes. The lieutenant, who was sitting next to me, spoke. "Well guys I'm gonna go eat with Ikkaku down at the squad. You guys are boring. I'll come back later." I didn't care about her insult, I was actually happy she was leaving.

As soon as she left her seat was replaced by Sessue. The boys sat our plates down in front of us. "What happened to lieutenant Kusajishi? I've got her plate right here." Yujiro said, confused, as he sat down next to Reiko.

Gina answered him. "She thought we were too boring." Sessue laughed and we began to eat.

Reiko turned to Yujiro with a flirty look in her eyes and said."So what year are you guys?"

Sessue drank his water before saying. "As of today we are officially third year students." He said proudly."What year are you all?"

Gina answered him, finishing her plate. "It's their first year here," She pointed toward Reiko and I. "But this is my second."

I looked over and examined the handsome, smiling boy sitting next to me. He had bright grass green eyes, jet black hair, slender build, and...perfect teeth. He smiled sweetly. "Do I have something on my face?"

I whipped my head around to the other side and stuttered out. "N-no!"

After everybody had finished their breakfast Reiko turned to me and said. "(Y/N), tell me about that dream."

Everyone's attention turned to me. "You remember when I told you about captain Zaraki coming after me?" She nodded. I noticed how most of the chatter had died down. "I had a nightmare that I was running through some thick trees away from him and when he caught up to me, with his sword at my neck, I woke up."

There was a dead silence when I finished my small story. Yujiro cleared his throat and turned to Reiko. "Soo... can I walk you to class?"

Reiko's eyes opened wide. "Yes, please! I-I mean, yeah..." She looked down as Yujiro held out his hand for her to take. "(Y/N) you have all advanced classes and I don't, so Sessue," She turned to the boy sitting next to me. "Will you take her to her class? I would ask Gina but her classes are on the upper levels."

Sessue stood and said. "Sure, I'd love to." Reiko walked away with Gina and Yujiro out of the near empty cafeteria. Sessue turned to me. "Ready to go?" I nodded.


I know I took too long to put out this chapter.

Next chapter will tell about some classes and more soul reaper stuff

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