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Thanks for voting winter1summer2rose and sunshine131929!

Ugh I haven't updated in forever, sorry.


As soon as I walked in I saw a muscular woman giving me the death stare. "Your late, (L/N)!" She yelled in a deep but still feminine voice. The only way I could tell that she is a woman is from the red lipstick that made it's way onto her already yellow stained teeth.

The whole class' heads turned toward me from their seated position, I noted that some of their arms fell from in front of them and to their sides. I looked around the room to see that it wasn't really something you should call a 'room'.

There are walls but they're only on the sides of the 'room' but, to the front it's open space to the outside. Outside there were a series of targets. The other students in the room were sitting on their knees in their uniforms. I presume they were facing the targets before I interrupted by walking in.

"I'm sorry!" I guess dawdling in the hallway with a cute boy does take up a little bit of time.

"You're one minutes late!" She let out an angry breath. "Get to your mat!" She pointed a broad arm and finger toward a mat about fifty feet in front of a target. I half jogged my way to the rectangular mat.

I raised my hand. She gave me an annoyed look before saying "What is it, girl?"

"If this is my kido class, then where is our instructor?"

"Well if you were here," Goodness I was a minute late you masculine troll. "You would know that he was sick. I'm your sub for this week, you can call me instructor Heikin."

Humph. That name suits her well. "Okay." Was all I said as she started barking orders.

"Now, I will demonstrate how to fire a hado strike after I explain to you all what hado is." She stood in front of us on the well cut green grass. "Hado is a category of offensive spells. The higher the number of the spell the stronger it will be. Kido is mostly used for surprise attacks, rather than all-out assaults, being most effective when your opponent does not see it coming. Kido is usable with just the spell name and no incantation or spell number."

A boy with brown hair raised his hand. "What is it?"

"Since Sho is the lowest spell why doesn't anyone just say 'Sho' instead of saying it with the number?"

"Every soul reaper is strictly taught to use either the incantation or the number. If you want a full answer, you should speak with the Head captain, which I doubt you'll be able to."

She droned on for what felt like forever but, I need to pay attention, after all, my life actually does depend on it. As I started to pay attention to the mean instructor's voice, a more childlike voice popped into my ear. "Hey (Nickname)!" She half shouted half whispered into my ear.

"Lieu-!" She immediately covered my mouth with her small hand, cutting me off. A girl sitting next to me gave me a weird look before scootching her mat over to the other girl on her left. And of course being the petty person I can be sometime's, I scowled at her and acted as if she were the weird person by moving my mat over to my right.

"Be quiet or your teacher will know I'm here." lieutenant Kusajishi whispered. "I'm not supposed to be here." She giggled as she sat behind me and out of the instructors line of sight.

I nodded once and proceeded to listen to the teacher. "Now if you point your index finger at the target and recite the spell, a burst of kinetic energy should follow." She demonstrated the spell.

I silently smiled to myself. I already know how to do this spell. I'm already off to a good start! Pink hair filled my vision and I soon heard familiar whispering. "I've got a tip for you." I nodded to show I had heard her. "Aim with the very tip of your fingernail and use as little force as you can for now."

The instructor started again. "Start."

I heard various shouts of the 'Sho' spell before I started. I pointed my index finger toward the bullseye, then I looked past my fingernail and saw that to hit the bullseye I needed to lower my finger a bit. So I did. "Hado number one! Sho!" I fired the spell. It hit the bullseye.

"Nice one!" the small lieutenant whispered.

I was stunned. It actually hit where I wanted it to. There was a gaping hole in the middle of my target, it showed how I failed to control my spiritual pressure, but how I was able to aim well. I took a look around me and saw how some of the targets were completely butchered and most were unscathed, signaling that most people had missed their target.

I finally recovered from my shock to see that the instructor was having a hard time controlling her own shock. She sputtered. "H-how?"

Instead of answering her question I said "I think I need to learn a higher caliber of spell in hado." I didn't want to learn a new spell because I just wanted to be better than the whole class-that was clearly behind- but, I wanted to be strong enough to at least survive against The Kenpachi.

She cleared her throat. "Come see me after school, (L/N)." Her voice reverted back to being as sharp as a blade. "Now since no one did so hot-besides (L/N)-,"Her mentioning my name made the girl next to me shoot me a jealous glare. She spared me her glare as her eyes raked over the line of failed students. Maybe if I'm ahead she'll be nicer to me. "Keep trying until class is over."

The lieutenant hiding behind me whispered in my ear once again. "(Nickname), ask her if you can move to a different target and try a bakudo spell." I nodded.

I turned to my left and craned my head forward a bit because the teacher was all the way to my left and I was at the end of the line, down to the right. I raised my hand, getting her attention. I know she wanted me to speak from down there but if I asked her to teach me something other than what the other students were struggling with I know some of them would hate the new 'teachers pet'.

I stood up and walked farther to my right and waved my hand motioning for her to follow. Lieutenant Kusajishi had already flash stepped into the shadows out of all of our sights. The instructor grudgingly followed. Some eyes followed her on her way over to me across the open field but when she noticed the curious eyes she yelled at the students to get back to their spells.

When she reached me her facial expression stayed as sour and ugly as when I'd first walked into class. Great, I have to deal with this for a whole week. "What is it (L/N)?"

"I know I'm probably overstepping my bounds here since it's my first day and all but, could you teach me a bakudo spell?"

She pursed her thin lips. "Do you even know what bakudo is?"

"In truth, no but as you can see I'm a fast learner." She doesn't have to know that I already had tried Sho before now.

"I see." She turned to the class. "Continue!" She turned back to me. "Follow me." I followed her back into the 'room' and through a door behind the instructor's desk. She fished around for a key on the desk and finally found it. She turned and unlocked the door. She lid it open and went inside, I followed her.

When I got inside I saw a fake body that resembled a gigai. She went over to the gigai and tapped it's arm, clicking a button that read 'Bakudo Setting'. The gigais arms went limp at it's side.

"Bakudo is a group of defensive, tracking, communication, and sealing spells. Bakudo is mostly used as support rather than attack spells." She moved her index finger and middle finger in front of her. "Now I will demonstrate. Bakudo number one! Sai!" The gigais arms locked behind it's back instantly.


She released the bakudo and turned to me. "I cannot oversee your practice-I have a whole class to run-. You have ten minutes before class ends." She turned and walked out the door, closing it behind her. Her space next to me was instantly filled with by the little pink haired lieutenant.

"Now to try the spell." I breathed.

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