18 || Little Lobster

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It doesn't matter who hurt you, or broke you down. What matters is who made you smile again.

- Unknown

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"David," Haley called to her husband at the door. She was holding her camelback, and phone. Having locked her keys inside her car when she climbed out of her car, she waited for him to open the door.

"Coming, hun," she heard from behind the door. Soon the door was open, and she looked into the gorgeous emerald eyes of her husband. 

David stared at his wife of three years. Her usually creamy ivory skin was painted with angry reds. Her strawberry blonde hair, appearing lighter with her new state, was thrown into a messy bun. Her black hiking shoes covered with dust. David tired to be encouraging as he looked at her.

"How did the hike go?" He asked with an easy smile. Haley gave him one of her frustrated faces mixed with a heavy dose of defeat. "Awe, hun, what happened?"

"My face," she practically cried. David is lucky his hazelnut skin never burns--he simply gets darker. Haley on the other hand only gets red. "I'm a lobster!" She exclaimed, leaning her forehead into David's chest. 

David carefully wrapped his arms around the saddened Haley. "Come on. Let's get some Aloe on that beautiful face," he smiled, nudging her inside. David walked off to find the clear gel, while Haley fell into their couch.

Haley couldn't believe she could be so stupid as to forget to apply sun block. She went to rest her head on her cheek, only to regret it instantly. "Oops!"

"Found it!" David called, walking to Haley cheerfully. He knelt down in front of her, squeezing some of the gel into his hand. "Hun, it really doesn't look that bad," he reasoned, has he began applying. 

Haley eased into his soothing cool hand. "Not that bad, look at me."

"You look like your blushing, really hard, and as far as the rest of the world is concerned you are. I find it endearing. You know how much I love you those rosy cheeks." 

Haley found herself giggling at his words.

"You can tell everyone you just heard a really good joke."

"Oh, stop. Now, your making fun of the simple fact that my skin turns red easily and thats not fair."

"I would never, and what do you mean that's not fair."

"You never turn red. Even when you blush, if I'm not paying close attention, I miss it. You on the other hand always know."

"You want to see me blush?" David asked, trying to follow his wife. "Because I can blush. Just give me one minute." He said before leaving.

Haley waited a few minutes before David reappeared. He walked straight over to her and halted by her feet. His cheeks were painted pink by a bright blush, but it looks more like an eyeshadow. It showed up perfectly against his skin, and Haley couldn't help the wide grin that spread across her face. 

"You really are the most perfect man in the world. You know that," she said, giving him a sweet kiss on the cheek.

"And you are my perfect little lobster," he replied, leaning closer to her. Not even a little bit satisfied with the small kiss. He wanted her and he knew from the day he saw her, he would always want her. He didn't care what it took to see a smile on her face, he would do it. 

Haley scuffed at the nickname, but felt his love quickly wash over her and couldn't help, but seal the connection between them after three years of marriage and eight years of friendship. Haley knew this was the man she would do anything for. She found her lobster, as Phoebe would put it.

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