Sad thoughts the signs have

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Aries: Will things get better?
Taurus: How will I rebuild my life after this?
Gemini: Do they really care?
Cancer: Do they even miss me?
Leo: Do I ever cross their mind anymore?
Virgo: How do I stop the chaos in my brain?
Libra: Will I always feel so alone?
Scorpio: Why do I always feel so much?
Sagittarius: When will my heart be free?
Capricorn: Do people like me just the way I am?
Aquarius: How often do I have to hide how I really feel?
Pisces: When will I feel again?

A/n Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I want to say that you are perfect the way you are! You are BEAUTIFUL! You are UNIQUE! You are SMART! Please stay strong the storm will end soon! I love all each and every one of you! ❤️😊

Zodiac SignsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora