Chapter 11

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I am finally updating, after 2 long months. I'm sorry. But my Writer's Block is finally gone for good! (I hope!)

Hope you enjoy the new chapter, in which there is a dream sequence where every part is symbolism. Dedication to Atlantari because a) she's sort of the dedication default, b) she's an amazing writer and c) she helps me with writing. Also, if you're interested (or want to stalk me and see what my face looks like), I have a Tumblr account - - please feel free to have a look :)

Please vote and comment if you like the chapter! xx


I was standing in an unrecognisable field, alone. The sky was dark, and clouds spread across the sky. But it wasn't raining - no, the clouds were forming a shape. A skull with black eyes and a moving tail...

The Dark Mark. The shape that was tattooed onto my father's arm in deep red. The same shape that had appeared in the sky on the Quidditch World Cup.

I looked up at the eyes of the skull, and noticed that they were glowing. No, something inside them was glowing. A bird. A bright red bird, flying out of the eye of the skull - it was a phoenix.

What was something so good doing somewhere so bad and deserted like this place?

The phoenix flew down to the ground and landed in front of me, staring at me with beady black eyes. "You must choose," it hissed, and three figures sprung up around me. "Choose, or you will die."

To my left was Blaise Zabini, to my right was Alex Johnson and a short distance away was Anja Snape, my sister. How was I supposed to choose?!

"I can't choose!" I exclaimed, but it came out as more of a whisper, somehow.

"You must choose," the phoenix repeated. "Choose or die."

"Then I will die," I responded, hoping that my death would be quick.

The three people standing around me disappeared, and in Anja's place, slowly advancing towards me, was Theo. Theodore Nott. My boyfriend.

But as he got closer, I could see that something was wrong. His eyes were a glowing red, and he had a Dark Mark on his arm glowing the same colour. He was a Death Eater?

"Theo, no!" I gasped, and glanced up as the Dark Lord's mark fell from the sky.

Suddenly, I was lying on the ground, my arm in excruciating pain, and I was screaming.

Theo reached my fallen body and whispered, "Choose or die. Disloyalty must be punished." Then he pointed his wand at me and intoned, "Avada Kedavra".

The world was screaming and everything went black and then all of a sudden, I was lying on a hard wooden floor.

I opened my eyes slowly. Evangeline and Pansy were shaking me, trying to get me to do something. Anja was on her bed, staring at me in barely disguised horror. As for Millicent, she appeared to be still be asleep.

"What 'appened?" I mumbled. "I was having a dream and then -"

"We heard you fall onto the floor, so Pans and I got up and lit a candle, but you were still asleep," Evangeline explained.

"Then you started screaming," Pansy added with a wince. "So we tried to wake you up, but you refused."

"...Oh," was all I could say. "Uh, what's the time?"

Jade Evans, Death Eater {Jade Book 4}Where stories live. Discover now