bitterness of winter, sweetness of spring - bajancanadian

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Piper's body laid sprawled out on the lush green grass, her hair strewn in every direction, her heart tugging at the seams. It had been a long day, an extra work load with her job, aggressively pushy parents, and the memories of a boy she had once loved. She sighed loudly and threw another mangled wildflower past her feet. 

"Something wrong, Princess?" a voice coyly asked. 

 "Go away, Mitch." Piper rolled her eyes, dragging her body up gracefully from the greenery. The brunette boy invited himself to sit next to her. In his own way, he was trying to offer comfort of sorts. He knew about the fall out with Lachlan and felt horrible with how he left her here with only a shred of explanation. 

"He didn't want to hurt you, you know? It's just, he-he's never been able to get attached without something bad happening, and-and sometimes the unknown of something actually working can-it can scare them. Just give it time, maybe you're meant for someone else." Mitch let the words flow off his tongue as he fidgeted with Piper's now long hair. Mitch remembered when he had introduced Lachlan and Piper, her hair was so short then, an auburn bob that playfully bounced, trying so desperately to hit her shoulders. Now it flowed a ways past her shoulder blades, a beautiful chestnut color. Wildflowers had become entangled in it, making her look like some kind of nature goddess.Piper sighed, trying to form some words together for the boy. 

"I just, I thought something would work out for me for once. It just seems like since Macy died, nothing works. I can't write, I can't do good at work, I can't get a boy, or even a girl... It just sucks." The girl sucked in a huge puff of the early spring air and held it tightly in her lungs.

 "Hey, hey Pipes, it's okay." Mitch soothed, rubbing her back slightly. "I know it's been hard, Macy has been gone for almost a year and Lachlan just left, but at least you still have me. And I still have you." He spoke quietly, as though if his words were the slightest bit too loud, he would break her. But she didn't break, she folded. She folded herself into his arms and began to cry. And somehow,

everything felt okay.

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