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So I recently realized that there are probably hundreds of silent readers, those who don't comment and don't vote:( If you truly, honestly read and like this, show your feelings! I pick from people who comment when I dedicate chapters!:D

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There was something I didn't quite mean to put in the last chapter, so for those of you who noticed, this will be no surprise:)

This first scene was requested by @babipie.


Our extremely hot doctor is played by George Eads, from CSI. Keep in mind that Hunter is around twenty-eight. ;D

Pic is the doctor!;) Hunter and Axel are gorgeous in different ways!:D

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(One Day Earlier)

(Hunter's POV)

Cradling my head in my hands, I sat outside the room where I could hear Dawn screaming.

"Ack. I'm not enjoying this!" I looked around, trying to find help. My eyes were tearing up just listening to the painful moaning coming from Dawn. It was my fault she was in pain.

"Excuse me?" A soft voice came from my left, and I glanced up. Doing a double take, I stared in amazement.

He was HOT.

Wait, what?!

I think Quinn was rubbing off on me. My parents already loved me best. I couldn't have them thinking I was gay, too.

But this man, this man was tempting me beyond belief.

"Excuse me?" he asked again. "Your wife had the baby. Your baby girl is doing fine." I noticed that the screams and cries coming from the room had stopped.

"Oh, good. And, um, she's not my wife. I'm not even totally sure she's my girlfriend." I rolled my eyes in despair, noticing for the first time the doctor's coat the man was wearing.

"I'm... Sorry?" he awkwardly patted my back, trying to comfort me as tears rolled down my face. I grabbed his hand as he tried to leave.

"Stay please." I was quiet; it was more of a demand than a request, but he complied.

"Come with me." He pulled me up, his amber eyes winking at me from underneath his thick brown eyebrows.

Still sobbing, I let him lead me down the hallway by tucking my hand through the crook of his elbow.

"Here." Pushing me gently through the doorway, the doctor locked the door behind us.

"Are you okay? Do you need me to get you something?" He looked sincerely concerned for me, God bless him.

"No. It's okay."

I turned to face him quickly, making up my mind. Ripping the T-shirt I was wearing over my head, I strode towards him.

I grabbed his neck and smashed my lips down on his roughly. Feeling him jolt in surprise, I continued, thrusting my tongue into his mouth.

After pulling back, I saw his face.

Shock, a bit of fright, and then, surprisingly, a lot of desire.

"Sorry," I gasped, "I needed to get that stress out of my mind." I turned around, making to leave.

Because, now that I thought about it, I'd enjoyed that kiss way too much.

"Wait. Just wait." The doctor sounded just as breathless as I felt.

It Turns Me On When You Say No. [BoyXBoy]Where stories live. Discover now