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^^ because she's my awesome fellow ginger!

I love everyone that votes and comments! :) I love writing this story as much as y'all love reading it!

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Picture... No wordsO.o but, come on! You know it's hot!;D

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(Hunter's POV)

Shit. Shit shit shit.

I couldn't take my eyes off of my brother's naked lover. This was bad. With a capital B. And A. And probably the D, too.

"Hunter! Dammit, go away!" Quinn put his hands on my naked chest and pushed. I stumbled back, into the hallway.

I ran back into the guest room, trying to get that image out of my mind. Try as I might, the picture stayed there.

All night long.

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(Quinn's POV)

I spun on Heath, slapping his hairless chest.

"You ass! What do you think you're doing, walking up all naked like that?! You just scarred Hunter for life!" I screamed at Heath, and he backed up, his hands in the air.

"Sorry, okay? Just thought it'd be nice to know if he decided he liked guys! And by the way he couldn't keep his eyes off me, I think maybe-"

"My brother is NOT gay! He knocked some chick up! He CAN'T be gay!" I put my hands on my head, trying to prevent a headache. It wasn't working.

"I think-" Heath tried to make his point again, but I cut him off.

"Shut the hell up, Heath! Just stop." I threw my hands in the air, and walked out of the room.

I grabbed the car keys sitting on the table, pulled my robe tighter, and charged out the front door. Screw it, even if I didn't know how to drive, I was gonna get away from here.

Hopping in the front seat, I stared at all the buttons and crap that had to be done before I could speed away angrily.

This is why I let Heath do all the driving.

"Damn, how the heck does this even work?!" I swore at myself, hoping my stupidity would wear off soon.

Looking up, I spotted Heath leaning against the post on the front porch, laughing at me. Standing next to him was my traitorous brother.

Sticking the key into the turny-thingy, I twisted it. The looks of horror that were on Heath and Hunters' faces were priceless. They clearly didn't think I could figure it out.

Pushing the lever into the D, I hit the gas pedal. This was just like playing Mario Kart!

Except, you know, without the life or death factor.

Pretty much riding on the death factor, I bounced down our driveway. Glancing into the mirror, I saw both Heath and Hunter racing after me.

Ha. That's their fault for not believing in me.

Distracted by the running boys behind me, I almost didn't see the tree that jumped into my path.

Seriously, it grew legs and jumped.

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(Heath's POV)

My heart stopped when Quinn raced the car headlong into the tree. Running to his side, I pulled him out of the car.

This seemed vaguely familiar; the crash, the pulling him out of the car.

Falling in love with him.

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