Chapter 5

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Sup? Demigodsrthebest here! This is the fifth chapter of Raised On Olympus. Hope you enjoy! Just a heads up, in my story Luke isn't evil and Drew is not a snob and they came to camp together. Basically, Drew takes Annabeth's place. She's still a daughter of Aphrodite though, just smarter than most children of Aphrodite.
Also, Octavian is praetor and is good.

Disclaimer: If I were Rick Riordan, I would have not left Blood of Olympus Cliffhanging like that.

Apollo and Hermes walked to the kids' palace and started planning the pranks they would play. Their goal was to prank every god or goddess on Olympus in that day and their alibi would be that they were taking care of the kids. The kids were happily playing in the playroom. Hermes stayed with the kids while Apollo went to set up the first prank.

Fifteen minutes later, a loud "ARGH!" signalled that Apollo was successful. Apollo ran in and showed Hermes a picture of Ares with his skin coloured neon pink and his hair magically grown into an up-do that spelled out 'biggest wimp ever'. Apollo and Hermes quickly stifled giggles.

When Ares burst in, Apollo and Hermes quickly denied that they had done the prank, pointing out that they were looking after the kids. When Ares left, they quickly tucked the children in. Apollo played a lullaby on his lyre that put them to sleep and then he and Hermes ran off to pull the next prank.

Half an hour later, when Apollo and Hermes were back in the kid's palace waiting in anticipation, a shriek from Aphrodite's palace had them stifling laughter. When Aphrodite burst in, demanding to know who had pranked her, Apollo and Hermes took one at her face and literally ROFL. Aphrodite's make-up was smeared all over her face and she had a bad case of bed hair. The duo denied doing anything as they were taking care of the kids.

By the rest of the day, Hermes and Apollo had pranked everyone on Olympus, except Hephaestus, as they knew he had video cameras on his workshop and they did not want to be found out, and Hestia, as she was just too nice. They even pranked themselves so that they would not be suspected.

When Hestia took over for the night, Zeus called an emergency meeting. "Olympians!" He thundered. "I have called an emergency meeting to discuss who played these pranks. I have a feeling that it was Hephaestus, as he was not pranked." "That's not true!" Hephaestus shouted back. It became a huge argument between Hephaestus in Zeus in five minutes.

When Zeus tried to stand up, he found that his pants were stuck to his throne. He then realized that Hermes and Apollo were snickering. "HERMES! APOLLO! DID YOU DO THIS?" Zeus roared. "No Father." Hermes said innocently. "Um... Yes we did Dad." Apollo mumbled. "Dude! Why did you tell on us?" Hermes shouted. "I can't help it! I'm the god of truth remember!" Apollo answered.

"Well since you can't seem to stop pranking, Demeter, you will help Apollo and Hermes on Friday." Zeus commanded. "Now remember Aphrodite and Hephaestus, you're on duty tomorrow!"

*Time skip to the next day*

Aphrodite was on her way to the kid's palace. She was trying to figure out how to get through the day. She had to take care of the kids, which was great, but she had to do it with her husband, Hephaestus, who won the prize for ugliest man on the planet. Scratch that, the universe. He also hated her, although she didn't hate him.

When Aphrodite got to the palace the one year old and above kids were down in the living room, watching TV. The younger kids were being rocked to sleep in the hands of a giant automation which had baskets for hands. There was a baby sleeping in each basket. Behind the automation, Aphrodite could hear muttered curses coming from Hephaestus, who was tinkering with the automation's controls. When he finally stood up, the automation started playing a lullaby as well.

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