The Start Of A New Chapter

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“NO” I yelled, I wasn’t going to let this happen, I took care of myself practically my whole life. I don’t need someone to live with, especially not some strange lady.

They both looked at me very strange look, and I could also tell by the look on their face they didn’t feel like dealing with a stubborn teenager at 4:30 am.

“Now Airadeen, the law says...” Samantha said.  

“I don’t care about the fucking law” I screamed, making their strange looks turn into shocked ones.

Both Samantha and Patricia looked at each other, and nodded, like they could talk to each other without saying a word. I looked at them scared as to what was going to happen. I sat back in my chair a little, gripping the arm rests harder to calm my nerves.

“Well, I understand how you want to live alone, but you have to Live with Patricia until you are legally allowed to move out, and not a single person will be in your way, or your second option can be is to go into an adoption agency until your old enough to leave” Samantha said, waving her hands everywhere as she spoke.

I looked up at Patricia, who smiled once she saw that I was looking at her. I nodded to Samantha, or who I now call Goody-Two-Shoes Devil, letting her know that I was going to live with Patricia.

After hours of filling out paper work, and getting finger prints, and showing ID to what felt like everyone in the 10 blocks radius, we finally got to go home, or well a house that was ‘now my home also’.

Patricia and I hopped into her fancy car, and drove off. Patricia asked so many questions, but one of them went a little too far.

“You still a virgin” She asked. Not taking her eyes off the road.

I stared at her in disbelief of what she just asked me.

“Well just to let you know there is no sex in my house, and please use protection, my house is as full as it can be” She said, not even joking.

I still stared at her, not quite understanding what had just happened.   

“Well here we are” She said smiling, as we pulled up into the driveway. Obviously this family had money or something. I never really was selfish at all, but the first thing I thought of was “I hope they have clothes for me, cute ones”.

I walked into the front door, and I was blown away. The house was beautiful, and there wasn’t any beer bottles lined up everywhere. Maybe this could be okay, MAYBE.

Patricia introduced me to her family, and showed me around the house. The last stop was my room, or should I say my half room. I was going to be sharing a bedroom with one of her daughters. Oh no. I looked at the room, it was decent sized, but the walls were covered, and I mean covered in One Direction posters. Great... another teenage pop boy-band. I never really kept up to date with music that was ‘in’ as I never had the time to.

I stood in the doorway of my new room; I was mad, angry, PISSED.

“OH BY THE WAY, I’M NOT A VIRGIN, AND I’M A SCREAMER TOO” I yelled out to Patricia

 I was mad, and when I’m mad I do stupid things, and sometimes my stupid things are really really stupid.  And probably the worst part of that was, I wasn’t even lying.

I was expecting to get hit, or somthing. But she didn’t even yell, I closely listened and I could hear a small laughter.  Then she yelled out something I could not believe she would even say.


My jaw dropped. I looked over at a girl sitting on her bed texting, and she just shrugged her shoulders, and returned to texting as if this was normal. After she knew the me and her mom were done talking about being screamers she introduced herself.

“Hi I’m Doniya, You must be Airadeen” She said smiling. She had brown hair, and brown eyes that seemed to mach her hair. She was really beautiful.

I nodded my head, taking a seat on the air mattress, which I was guessing was my bed. I looked over and Doniya, and told her goodnight, then looked at the clock 8 am. Fuck.


“Well look who’s up, it’s the non-virgin” Patricia laughed as I walked down the stairs, yawning. I gave a fake chuckle, showing I was annoyed, and really not in the mood.

I went over to the couch; still sitting in Pajamas Doniya insisted I could borrow. I clicked through the channels, shocked at how many channels they have. Not finding anything satisfying on T.V I decided to just sit on the couch, and read a book I found on the table, 50 shades of grey.

Patricia noticed I was reading it, and had to make a joke.

“Hey, you reading your own handbook” She chuckled; I joined in laughing knowing she wasn’t going to stop with these jokes.

“Airadeen You might want to get washed up, my son is coming over for supper, he’s quite a charmer.” Patricia said, winking.

I looked at her, raising and eyebrow, but I decided to just go upstairs and get ready before she made another Non-virgin joke. While I was brushing my teeth, I noticed that I had a sharp pain on my left eye, I looked up in the mirror, and moved my dark brown hair. To reveal I had a black eye, and no one said anything. It’s not like I’m not used to black eyes or anything, but still.

Once I finished getting ready I walked downstairs, I stared at the ground, trying to avoid letting anyone notice I was ready, when I bumped into someone.

“Oops” I said, chuckling. I looked up, and saw a tall handsome figure.

“Hi I’m Zayn”

Hello fellow readers!!! I’m sorry this chapter was shorter, but trust me more will be happening, and now the boys will be coming into the story!! Please Vote if you liked this chapter. Also comment what you thought! I love reading them... And I read every single comment, I will be dedicating a chapter to a reader who’s comment is the best! It can be on how you hated the chapter, or how you loved it! Or both... 

And sorry for not updating for a while, I’ve been super busy, with my Imagine book, and with Life. But I promise to write more often.

I hope you enjoyed it !

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