A first day, In a new Life

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“Hi” I replied awkwardly.

I looked up to see this Zayn dude, his face looked familiar but I didn’t know why. I didn’t want to be rude and ask so I just kept my mouth shut. I quickly walked away, avoiding any more quiet awkwardness.

“Hey” Zayn called after me.

I spun around, this time noticing how attractive he actually was. He smiled, and asked if he could join me. How could I say no? I sat on the couch, and Zayn sat close to me, which I didn’t mind. We turned on a random movie, knowing very well that neither of us we’re going to actually watch it.

“I’m Airadeen by the way” I said breaking the silence.

“I know” Zayn replied, chuckling.

We both chatted about random stuff, and Zayn was pretty cool. Then a commercial came on that caught my eye. It was a One Direction commercial. That’s how Zayn looked familiar; he’s in that boy band. Great.

Zayn smiled, as he watched me watch the commercial. He asked me if I liked it, and I nodded. I picked up the conversation to avoid any more questions about his band.  

“SUPPER TIME” Patricia yelled out.

You would’ve sworn a herd of elephants were running down the stairs, how noisy the rest of the house was to hear that it was supper time. Zayn and I slowly sat up and walked to the table. I took a seat near the end of the table, and Zayn sat beside me. Supper consisted of pork chops, mashed potatoes, carrots, and salad. My eyes widened looking at all the food, it’s been a long time since I had a family supper, or even a proper supper in that matter.

“So how’s Perrie” Patricia asked Zayn, breaking the silence

“Great, things are going well with us, she came over yesterday” Zayn replied, his eyes filled with love.

Fuck, he has a girlfriend. I always like the guys with girlfriends or are that are gay. I zoned out of the conversation thinking about how Zayn has a girlfriend that I didn’t hear Patricia call my name.

“Airadeen?” She asked “Are you okay”

“Yea, I’m fine. Sorry, what were you saying?” I said, shaking the thoughts out of my mind.

“Well I was saying that Zayn should take you out shopping for new clothes, because you don’t have any” Patricia said, looking at both Zayn and I.

“I only have like 25 to my name though” I said, feeling bad about myself.

Then Zayn offered to pay for my clothes. I didn’t refuse.

We planned to go right after supper, and hit the mall. Zayn warned me about rumors, and getting attacked by a mob, but I didn’t care.

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