Chapter 12

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As soon as Scarlette practically screamed the word 'mother' to me I had a sudden flash of a wolf that looked just like me. Mom was the word that came to mind. With that flash came a little scene of my Mom and what my mind assumed was Dad being ripped to shreds as I pulled wolf Scarlette out of the burning house, away from the grey-eyed wolf.

As soon as we had made it out though, we had been separated. I looked for Uncle Ben, who had been with our pack---

"UNCLE Ben?" I scream out loud, tearing myself from the memory. Ragnor and Lea looked at me funny.

"What do you mean?" Dad asks, innocently.

"You'r-e n-not my real dad?" I ask, stuttering a little.

"Uhh....this is very hard to explain, ummm-"

"Just tell me the story. From the beginning."

Dad sighs and paws the ground. "Okay. A long time ago there was a pack of sixty-seven very powerful wolves.They were called Moon's Breeze, officially, but they had many names. The Alphas were Leon and Willow, you're parents. And Scarlette's parents, Avery and Colt. Colt was Leon's brother along me being Willow's brother. Avery and Colt died early on and your mom and dad raised her."

He pauses a minute before going on to the next part.

"Everything was going well, you and Scarlette were growing everyday. But one day a group of rouges attacked by surprise. Even though you were a little younger than Scar, you had already Changed a few times. I was visiting that day and when the fire broke out all I thought was I needed to find you two.

The rouge's had separated you so I got confused. I was jumped by a grey wolf with grey eyes, he killed your parents. I had managed to get away from him though and found you being surrounded. A slick tawny male with gold eyes was closing in on you when you growled and tried to bite him. That gave me enough time to help you get away. By the time I had found you again my mate Kelly drowned getting you to shore, and I couldn't find Scarlette so I brought you to Alaska to raise you as my own."

"It's okay Dad, I get it."

"Why do you still call me Dad?

"Because you raised me. You are my dad and always will be."

He smiles. "Thanks Sammy."


After Scarlette left, life became pretty boring. I went back to school and Maddie almost killed me. I lied and said Dad took me on a surprise trip to Mexico and of course the school didn't mind, being run by a lot of werewolves. I started taking on my spot in the pack. I also learned Luke was Dad's biological kid so that ended fast. He also surrendered his position to me, making me second highest ranking.


We were sitting in study hall waiting for the new teacher to walk in. I was kind of looking forward to the new guy. Up until he walked in the door. His purple eyes met mine and something flashed.

I was running. Blood was sprayed across the ground as the light gray wolf gained on me. Finally I slipped as me attacker pounced. I looked up into his eyes, those same purple orbs.

I growl as he turns away.

"What's wrong with you?" Maddie asks.

"Wha- oh, nothing...."

"Seriously Sam? Again?"


"I know there are rouges in the area! The same pack as before." I say to my dad as we stand in the kitchen.

"How close to the border were you?" Luke asks.

"Not to close, at least thirty miles."

"She's not lying, I've seen them too." Gwen says as she, Falon, and Jake walk into the kitchen.

"Let's go kick some rouge ass." Jake mutters as he pulls a turkey leg from the fridge.

"It doesn't seem to be a problem yet, but be on guard. I want everyone on patrol and looking out, I'm sure we can work this around the school." Dad says.

"Got it Sam?"


"Good. Now get out, all of you. There is a herd of elk a few miles northwest of here, can you hunt a few and bring them back?"


"Go left! GO LEFT!" I scream at Jake as he circles around the herd. Luke swiftly stalks up to Jake, brushing flanks.

"Falon, you and Gwen go right. I'm going to cut down the middle, the leader of the herd is mine, otherwise you can take anyone you want......GO!" I run up behind the elk, they instantly split apart as Gwen and the others burst from the trees. I run right for the greying buck. I jump, flying in for the kill when he rears up and kicks me in the head. Despite being a werewolf that kick hurt. I get up dazed, and very pissed off, and grab the elk by the throat and slam it into the ground. I howl my victory before tearing into the soft flesh of his flank.

"And just when I thought we would have to hunt supper ourselves." I snap my head up and see a group of vampires walking my way.

"Back off bloodsuckers." I snap, licking the blood off my face.

"Whoa, feisty are we?" A dark tan guy with brown hair says. One of the other vampires got a little to close and I jumped on him, ripping into his side. He screams and I jump off.

"Hey! He didn't provoke an attack!" One of the girls yells.

"I really don't care."

The vampires get a little intimidated when Falon and Gwen show up. When Jake and Luke come Jake chases them off.

"If Scarlette was here she would've came up with a clever comeback to piss the leeches off so much they cried." Luke says with a sigh.

"Yea. Even though she was really rude." Gwen remarks.

I sigh as I pick up my elk. "Whatever, let's just go."


At school the next day me and that study hall teacher, Mr. Kays, avoided each other whenever possible. I thought it was just going to be another boring day until I saw someone in the cafeteria. Scarlette.


Short chapter :P -TOXI

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