Meeting the gems

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Lavender's p.o.v

I grumbled cause of how tired I was. I was up late finishing unpacking. I used my one arm to sit up. I looked at the window not happy that the sun woke me up. I looked at the clock and I saw that it was around noon. I got up and grabbed my robotic arm and leg putting them on one at a time. I really did not like putting these things on. I hate that I lost my arm and legs in that accident. That drunk driver was the worst thing to happen to me. Sure I was only four when it happened........ But my life was forever changed. I sighed and got up.

The light shined on my metallic limbs reflecting onto the wall. I walked to the window and saw that it was a beautiful day. 'Maybe I can go and relax on the beach...... Maybe make some new friends.' I thought. I walked around getting ready to go have what fun I can have with my condition as I could. I grabbed my two peace swim suit and a towel. I then grabbed a few books. I got into my swim suit and walked down to the beach. I laid my towel down and sat on it placing my books next to me. I looked at the ocean wishing so much to go swimming.

But I can't. The doctor told me that I could never swim with one arm. I huffed and grabbed one of my books and began reading. I sat there for quiet sometime. After and hour something came running over. I looked around and saw a giant monster like thing. But before it could reach me a tall woman jumped into its path and through I over me. The woman had a dark reddish pink skin, with dark pink shades, and a single peace suit with gloves, she was also wearing gauntlets. Two more women ran over.

One thin like a twig, with white as snow skin, baby pink hair that's short and goes up slightly, she was wearing something close to what a ballerina would wear, the color light blue with a star on her chest, and she held a spear. And the other one small and chubby, with purple skin, long white hair, a black tank top and jeans with white boots, and she held a whip. They ran at the strange monster and was fighting it. A small boy was with them using a shield on the monster. I sat there and watched not knowing what else to do. Soon the monster was defeated and turned into a bunch of clouds.

The people that defeated the monster made there weapons vanish into thin air. They then walked over and the tallest one of the group held there hand out. I grabbed her hand and she helped me up. "You ok?" She asked. "Ya.... Thanks." I said a small blush slightly forming on my face. "Hay are you new to Beach City?" The little boy asked. "Well... Yes. I just moved here. I finished unpacking all my things just last night." I said looking down at the boy. "Well. I'm Steven! This is Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet!" The little boy said pointing to the three girls.

"Nice to meet you all. I'm Lavender." I said with a smile. "Girl what's with you?" Amethyst asked. I was confused for a moment. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Your arm and leg girl!" Amethyst said poking my robotic leg. "Um.... I had my arm and leg amputated..... I mean I was either get and amputation or I would have died from a bunch of problems." I said rubbing my arm. "Well girl you look cool." Amethyst said. "Well it is nice to meet you Lavender." Pearl said kindly. "Same to you." I said with a small smile.

I looked at Garnet how she was so silent. It was making me think of my friend back at my old home. "So where'd you move here from?" Steven asked me. "I came from New York. That busy city wasn't fully for me." I said sitting down again. "Hay you want to come see the temple sometime?" Steven asked. "Um..... Sure. I don't got that much to do." I said with a smile. Steven smiled and sat next to me. "You want me to show you around?" Steven asked. "Hmmm..... Maybe later. Right now I want to relax under the sun with a book." I said grabbing my book.

"Ok." Steven said with a slight pout. "Hay don't worry little boy. Maybe if I got some spare change we can get some ice cream. Just because your so sweet." I giggled at the kind hearted boy. "Really?" Steven asked with stars in his eyes. I nodded and he had a large smile. I giggled at the small boy and went back to reading. I could hear three of them walk off. I looked up to see that Garnet was still there. She looked so beautiful. And the way her voice sounds. "Why did you not go with your friends Garnet?" I asked.

"I thought maybe I could sit with you." Garnet said. "Um sure. I mean only if you want to is all." I said as a small blush formed on my face. She gave a small smile and sat next to me. "So how did you get like this?" Garnet asked. I looked at Garnet slightly confused. "How did I get like what?" I asked. "Your arm and leg how did they get like that?" Garnet asked. I looked down not really liking to answer that one question. "It's ok. You don't have to tell me straight away. Just tell me in your own time." Garnet said with a soft warm smile.

I smiled back and nodded. "Well what about you? Could you tell me about you?" I asked. Garnet nodded as she held out the palms of her hands. I looked at the palms of her hands to see two gems in her skin. Like the pearl in Pearl's forehead. And the amethyst in Amethyst's chest. "You see me an my friends are gems." Garnet said. "Gems?" I asked now fully wanting to learn about Garnet and the others. "You see gems body's are mer illusions. Think of like a hologram but with mass. Our real forms our our true self are our gems." Garnet said.

"Could I..... Touch your gems?" I asked not wanting to be rude. "Go a head." Garnet said. I placed my real hand on the gem on her left hand and felt the gem on her hand. "To think this is your true form........" I muttered and looked at her face. "Yes. Like how your true form is yet to be found." Garnet said. "What's that supost...." "You'll find out." Garnet said interrupting my question. Like she knew what I was going to say. "Ok then..... Well what's your favorite color?" I asked. "I like both red and blue. What about you?" Garnet said/asked. "Well I really like magenta." I said with a smiled.

I hope you all like the story so far. If you got ideas for the story let me know in the comments. See you next time!

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