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Alex's pov.

I woke up Saturday morning with Dylan's arm around me and I got scared. I forgot he was here. I looked at him and he looked adorable sleeping. He looks like a little puppy.

I took a picture of him because why not?? he looked cute. I tried getting off his grip but he wouldn't let go. I smacked him with a pillow and he shot up with a scared and annoyed expression.

Dylan: What was that for?

Alex: We're leaving in an hour.

Dylan: And?

God he's stupid. and lazy.

Alex: You need to get your things ready so we could leave.

Dylan: Do you know what time it is?!

Alex: 11:38

He groaned and looked at me with a puppy face.

Dylan: One more hour

Without waiting for me to respond, he put a pillow over his head and went back to sleep. I rolled my eyes and stood up and smacked his ass.

He groaned and I went to go get shorts, a sports bra, underwear and a tank top. I made my way to the restroom and right when I opened the door Dylan spoke up.

Dylan: Can i join?

I knew he was smirking even if I wasn't looking at him.

Alex: Weren't you sleeping?

He groaned and he fell back to sleep. I took a shower and changed and when I got out, I blow dried my hair. I did my hair in a messy bun and once i was satisfied i walked out of the shower.

Dylan was still sleeping so i decided to jump on top of him. I got next to his side and jump on him making a cross. He groaned and woke up.

Dylan: What?

Alex: Get uppp! we're leaving in 40 minutes. Manu and Sabrina will be here in 30 minutes. You need to pack your stuff.

Dylan: How long are we gonna be there?

Alex: We're coming back on Monday morning just to get to class.

Dylan: Alright.

I got off of him and laid down on the other side while he was getting up. I took my phone out to see if something had happened with Justin but nothing.

He's better now. his manager, Scooter, is trying to adjust some things so Justin won't have so much pressure on himself.

Just as Dylan was standing up he fell back down on top of me and his face was just inches from me. I wanted to kiss him but I don't want to at the same time.

He's a player and he clearly said he only wanted to have sex with me and he doesn't want a relationship. I can't do anything about it even if i wanted to.

Dylan looked at my lips and licked his. He was leaning in but i rolled the other way. Dylan smirked and stood up.

Dylan: Ima get you back.

Alex: No you won't.

He walked out after getting his phone and he left. He's going to be back in 30. In the meanwhile i packed a sports bag with the things i was going to need.

I put in 3 bikinis, 4 shirts, 2 pants, 3 shorts, 3 pairs of shoes, headbands, toothpaste and toothbrush, my straightener, my curling wand and some other essentials.

I closed the bag and i still had 10 minutes to spare so i put on my blue wedges and  looked at myself on the mirror.

I look pretty good.

I got my sun glasses and my phone and started walking downstairs with my things. Sabrina called me to open the gate for her and Dylan and I did.

We're taking Dylan's Cadillac Ceil convertible and on our way, we're going to buy food.

We adjusted everything to fit on the trunk and I said bye to mom and dad and got in the car. I sat on the passenger seat and Dylan was driving. Sabrina and Manu were in the back.

Drove out of my house and I got the aux cord. I put on 50 cent and we all started singing. We passed by to the store and we bought food and Dylan and I switched seats so i would drive.

I drove while we were listening to music and talking.

Manu: I still need my clothes for prom.

Sabrina: Me too. I need to go buy a dress. and shoes.

Alex: Moreee?

Sabrina: I need more dresses Alex. I only have party dresses right now.

Alex: Like 60 of them.

Sabrina: No I don't.

Manu: Babe yes you do.

Sabrina: Whatever.

A throwback song came on and I got super hyped. "Ride" by SoMo.

Alex: Take off those heels
Lay on my bed
whisper dirty secrets
while I'm pulling on your hair
Poison in our veins,
but we don't even care
Candles dripping on your body, baby this ain't truth or dare

Sabrina was just laughing at me and Manu and Dylan were singing with me. Dylan stood up and started doing some kind of grind dance in the car until i told him to sit down. I was going pretty fast and he was going to fall.

After driving for like 30 minutes, we arrived at the house. I parked the car and we got our things and walked to the house.

Dylan looked at me and smirked. Oh God. Another one of his pervy comments.

Dylan: This house seems good for a fun night if you know what i mean.

I'm going to die after i slap him. Oh my God.

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