My heart is racing I'm running, scared for my life about what might be around me, I'm just trying to get out before anything bad happens. Chills are racing through me, slowly creeping down my spine, cold sweat trickling of of my face and back. Screeches are behind me and I can't stop, but why?
I shoot up, sweating and heavily breathing, my sheets and pillow are soaked with sweat. It was just a dream, a goddamn dream, but it felt so real. I hope it wasn't another premonition. A dream has never scared me so bad before I'm so confused about it, why was it so vague and out of nowhere?
I pick up my phone it burns my eyes when I turn it on, it's so bright, the time reads 3:45A.M. Damn. I get up and pull the sheets off of my bed and throw them in a basket by my closet. I sit back down trying to piece together what I saw and what the hell was happening to me.
I grab my phone again to text my closets friend Jillian.
"Hey, are you awake?" I sent her,
"Duh you know that I don't sleep much." She quickly responds.
"I think I just had another vision..."
My phone buzzed as the name 'Jillian Angel' was across the screen. I answered it
"What do you mean you think you had another vision?" I heard her say with a quiet panic,
"Well... I just had the most terrifying dream I've ever had and it felt like I was actually there." I sighed
"Get your ass to my house so that we can actually talk about this."
"Jill it's almost 4 in the morning do you think it can wait until we see each other in class tomorrow?" I yawned,
Jill let out a deep sigh,
"Fine, whatever, just don't bail on me ok?"
I yawned again, "I promise we'll talk tomorrow."
She hung up the phone and I set mine down and reached for my jug of water that I keep and take a long drink, dehydration is a bitch. I change my sheets and lay back down and closed my eyes an drifted back to sleep.