How You Met (Benji Dunn)

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What He First Thought:

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What He First Thought:

'I think that I may have found the woman of my dreams. As cliché as it sounds, This girl has a lot of my similar interests like computers, gaming and music tastes. I hope that this isn't the only time we meet.'


     Staring at the computer screen, you groaned as you were killed... Again. Yes, you were playing Halo Reach. You were playing co-op with someone else. A message popped up your screen which read,

What the hell was that? My dog could do better than that.

You raised your eyebrows and responded with,

(Gamer Name)
Do you even have a dog😒? Even if you did, dogs don't have opposable thumbs.

You waited. A few seconds you got a reply.

Okay, I don't actually have a dog😐. Gotta give me credit for trying though😁.

You laughed and was about to reply when you heard footsteps behind you. You quickly exited the Game and forcefully pushed the controller into your secret drawer.
"Hey, sweet-cheeks!" You growled under your breath as Trevor, the office playboy tried to flirt with you again for the third time this week.
"What is it this time Trevor?" You asked annoyed. He sat on your desk and folded his arms.
"Your face myst turn a few heads here." He winked. You cringed.
"And your face must turn a few stomachs. Take a hint, I have no intention of hoing out with you. So if you don't have anything to either give me or say, get out of my face and have a nice day." You flashed a fake smile and turned back to your computer and continued typing up your report. You saw a small manila folder on your desk and you furrowed your eyebrows.
As you opened up the folder, you found a plane ticket for Vienna and a ticket for Turandot. You looked around and wondered who could have given you these. Then it clicked. You shrugged your shoulders and grabbed your bag, and went home to pack for Vienna. You wondered what was going on but you went with it.

*Le Time skip brought to you by The CIA*

Getting on the plane, you put your suitcase in the overhead compartment and sat in your seat with your backpack on your lap. You bounced your leg up and down when a voice broke you out of your trance-like state.
"Hi, looks like you'll be stuck with me for the flight" A British voice joked. You chuckled as he sat down, tucking a strand of (y/h/c) behind your ear. He held out his hand and you shook it. He sat down and got out his phone. He opened an app that was all too familiar to you. You smirked. When he typed in his username, you raised your eyebrows and hesitantly tapped his shoulder. He turned and as if something hit him, he said,
"Sorry, where are my manners? I'm Benji Dunn. This is a random game that I like in case you're curious. Do you play?" He asked you.
"(Fake Name). And yes I do play. My username is (Random Gamer Name). Random question, do you happen to work at Technical Daily?" You asked. He raised his eyebrows and his smile spread to the edges of his face. He pointed at you and was at a loss for words. He just shook his head and chuckled.
"It's very nice to meet you, (Fake Name)." He replied after a few moments.
"Likewise, Benji." You stated before turning your focus to the window and the plane took off. You put your earbuds in and offered one to Benji. He took it and you both listened to your music.

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