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If I remember correctly...

The yellow-orange haze settled a thin layer of mist on the ground, around our feet. The light settled upon rooftops and metal slabs of various establishments. Upon sides of buildings and hubs, peaks of communication towers and the flats of crystal shelled warp pads. The inferno spread itself on people's faces and yours. Your face glowed with a bright sudden happiness. Scars and bruises adorned that orange and red lined face. Big broad shoulders heaving up and down fast, my guess, you ran here.
Despite how far we lived from each other, you always made it here in time. Within the early chills of the morning. Clueless then...more clueless now. You crushed a small flower in your big fingers. It's skinny stem limped over as if it were shying away from the sun. No doubt,  it had left this world to join the unknown spirits of somewhere else, with someone else, because it was dead.

"Me?" I say-well said.

"You.." It was then that you thrust it up into my face and a dark green spread itself across my cheeks. I took it gently then, with nervousness. Now, I would've jumped for joy. I would've thrown myself across your body and kissed you hard! But this isn't a what if story. This is what happened... People walked by, whispering threatening words and things like

"how atrocious" at our friendship.

"look away," at our closeness.

At our perfect relationship, how open it was-our only flaw...

You stood with your chest high, you held yourself like a force not to be reckoned with, but that wasn't the real you. I only knew the real you. The hard candy shell on the outside, but soft, smooth chocolatey inside. You had the perfect winged eyeliner,  perfect eyes, perfect gem, perfect body, perfect scars all in the most wonderful places, the perfect length~ oh, Jasper you meant everything to me!

Then you spoke again-

"Peridot. I love y-"

"SH SH SH!!! J-JASPER N-NOT HERE!!!!!!!!!!" Peridot jumped up and covered her mouth with both her tiny little hands. "Ssssh....don't y-you see all the people here!?!?" Peridot's blush grew bright when she felt Jasper's hands around her small waist, soon she was lifted up and brought down into a tight cuddle. "Ah!!!!" Peridot beat her small fists on Jasper's chest and slid down through her grasp, dropping on the ground below.

"What's wrong? There's practically no one here..." She looked around and back down at Peridot.


"Yeah, well everyone can hear you. Your really loud. "

"NGGH!" Peridot stuck the flower in her hair angrily. "I have a mission to report to in exactly 8 minutes and 33 seconds. AND I'm still not properly dressed. Soooo if you'll excuse me I'll be going now." She turned and Jasper pulled her back.

"Peridot," she moaned, breathing heavily down Peridot's neck. "After work...I was wondering if maybe you'd like to come over for dinner? I'm off today." She smothered Peridot's neck in wet kisses, she could feel her hot breath down her back and all over her neck. Making ahh~ sounds as she went.

"I-I...sure...n-now get off m-me..." she stumbled, failing to push her off.

"I know. " Jasper stood up straight and stretched, yawning loudly. "See ya babe. Expect the best of the best tonight. "

Peridot could visualize the wink, the big, wide  grin from ear to ear, and the hip thrust going on behind her. She shivered and gripped her shoulders. "Oooh...yeah? I can't wait..."  Then there was silence, she was gone. Probably waving her off from a distance with that ugly bone chilling..sexy...hot...orange face of hers. She rolled her eyes and climbed back inside her small, tattered tent of rags.

It was really just two medium sized metal slabs leaning against each other and a rag-that she borrowed from Jasp- squished in between. Her budget REALLY dropped. But she was ok. Jasp provided her scrumptious home cooked meals each night and this poor -stricken home provided shelter and shade and almost protection from the acid rain. But it got hot in the evenings. Especially the metal part. (Burns weren't exactly a matter to laugh at)

Peridot pulled on her limb enhancers and booted up her panel. "Reporting in...mission orders requested from manager, received. Strict orders from..." she blushed. "Y-yellow Diamond. Uh, to resolve in fixing various warp pads that lie in sector Y: 7612 field B. Facid 2F5L cut 5XG has accepted."

I remember that's how I used to be, until Steven gave me a difference. I'm not like other Peridots either. I'm myself...and there is only one of me. I see now what we couldn't see then.

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