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I believe I left off...

Going to Jasper's home. The smell of home cooked pot roast stirred up my senses so much then, I'm not surprised that I still remember what you cooked for us that evening. Delicious pot roast, steamed green beans with lightly buttered-not too much salt and pepper-red potatoes, and a good old piece of hot toast. The rich smell wafted through my nose, I took deep breaths then, inhaling it-almost tasting it! I remember picking up a book of yours nearest to the soft cushioned couch you had me relax on until the food neared its end. The book cover: Romantic Lover through Midnight. I remember laughing so hard at the book's cheesy cover. I guess with one look at it's title and illustration, you could probably guess it'd involve some middle aged woman finding love in a bar at midnight. Then they'd be together forever and ever, the end. I put it back on the shelf wedged in a gap between your big history book and some other cheesy romance novels.

You read so much of that in your spare time then, you never passed a chance to buy another at the bookstore on the corner. Despite having missions and dealing with me, you always found time to read. You're such a bookworm, Jasper.

Peri giggled as she read more titles. "Twilight!? Hahaha!!!! Oh and this one, " she picked it up and pressed a hand to her chest, bellowing in her deepest voice- "I Love You!" Then she fell flat in a pile of books, laughing! Her feet spread outwards and accidentally kicked the shelf, knocking the big Homeworld History book into her lap. Bits of newspapers and tiny snippets of pictures flew out everywhere. "What's this?" She picked a picture of Jasper from all the rest and read, "Strong warrior, Jasper, to take Rose Quartz's army head on. Lead command in 5000 year war. " She read through long excerpts from various interviews and sighed. That war meant everything to Jasper, for her to fight as hard as she could only for their side to end up losing. Peridot was glad she hadn't been around then or else she'd have to endure the 'mean Jasper' times.

"I turn my back on you for 15 minutes and you raid my house." Jasper's deep voice boomed.

"EEP!!!!!!" Peridot threw down the pictures and newspaper pieces and fell backwards, looking up into Jasper's bright dandelion yellow eyes.

"Hey~ What were you doing?"

"I um...I was just uh-freshening up on my world history. Always helps!" She exclaimed, blushing as eyes continued to stare deep into her soul.

"So curious. You're going to go poking your nose into the wrong thing soon enough. " Jasper stated while helping her clean up the mess of papers and put them back into the right spots. "By the way, dinner's finally ready. Sorry it took a bit of time..."

"That's ok. I don't care, I'm starving!" Peridot put the last piece of paper back into the history book and pulled her limb enhancers off, kicking them across the floor until they hit the wall and sat still.

Jasper picked her up and smothered her in kisses while taking her straight to the dinner table. Peridot smiled until Jasper turned off the lights and candles lit the atmosphere. Jasper sat her in a chair directly beside her own. "Happy?"

Peridot took one more look at the amazing transformed setting. Just a while ago there was dirt on the floor and the kitchen was a pure mess...but now, everything shined. Without spots, without dirt, without a mess of any flour or anything. Just clean. The candles flickered and danced from side to side, and the food smelled delicious. The plate was neat and almost looked as if a chef had set this before her, but no, this was her baby's work! "I'M MORE THAN HAPPY! JASPER, THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!!! I-I haven't given you anything, and've done everything for me. Why?"

Jasper leaned into her face and kissed her lips softly, leaving a faint lust lingering in the atmosphere. "Because I love you."

Peridot stared into her big wonderful eyes. "....I love you too, Jasper. You don't have to remind me."

I miss you, Jasper.

(( How's that for a better chapter? Sorry it came soooo late. I was busy planning Shipapalooza's return chapter for those of you who read it. IT'S FINALLY COMIN BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Fanfiction365))

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