3. The Power Source

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Daniel was walking the dark street, very focused on something specific. Nothing could stop or distract him. Every now and then there were short screams coming from some hidden places, but Daniel was keeping walking like he wouldn't hear anything. Suddenly, he stopped, and turned his head around like he would need to see or hear something. As nothing could stop him until now, it seemed like it was something supernatural happening, as he gave it so much importance.

Each night Daniel follows the same route, reaching the same point, and nothing has ever distracted him. It was a part of his life, a part of his daily schedule. He couldn't imagine it otherwise. Even he was wondered of what could happen that night. Maybe this thing is going to change him radically.

After turning his head around a couple times, he remained still. Now he was focused even more. Eyes closed, Daniel was using all his inner power in order to understand the phenomenon. It seemed like the whole world was in repose. Even the time was waiting for Daniel to return to normal, so it could start ticking again.

Unexpectedly, a little girl appeared in front of the boy. Daniel opened his eyes scarred, and looked at the girl. She started to move her legs, getting even closer to the guy, until she stepped on his shoe. The girl was very short; her head was at the same height with Daniel's shoulders.

"You must stop. You don't want to continue like this. You're already doing it for years. Do it once more, and it will be your last walking", said the girl, with a whispering voice.

Very calmly, the boy answered:

"It's part of my life. No one could stop me until now, and no one will be able to ever stop me. If you stop me, I won't exist anymore."

A tear could be seen flowing on the girl's cheek. She didn't say anything else, just took her foot from his shoe, and walked away, in the dark. Daniel closed his eyes just for some seconds, like he would get back the old thoughts, and then started walking again. This time at a slower pace. He did everything in order to walk like he used to do before, but it was impossible. A pain stuck on his chest, and with every step, it became more and more painful. The pain got so big that Daniel torn his cloth and threw it away. After some more steps he was holding his head with both hands, being unable to carry the pain, which now got into his head too. Some more steps and Daniel was lying on the ground, in the dark night, helpless, without anyone to help him.

"I don't mind. If I can't reach my target anymore, I can stop living, because living without it is not living, it's suffering", whispered Daniel for himself, while feeling the cold of the hard pathway on his back.

Hours passed, the night became even darker, and Daniel was motionless. Meanwhile, many girls, like the one he just met earlier, started to surround him. All of them were crying. All the girls had a very long golden hair. Everything was so pure at them, like they would be some kind of earthly angels. But as they were crying, the hair was getting blacker, starting with the downside, rising to the hair's root. All the Earth was crying together with them.

On the background of the dirges, a scream was getting louder and louder, until it covered all the other voices. But this scream was not a dirge, it was something different. From nowhere, the girl that talked earlier with Daniel appeared, now being covered in light. She stood in the middle of the other little girls, near the body of the boy. Passionately, the little girl took the guy's hand in hers. Her hand was so little and smooth, while Daniel's hand was almost two times bigger. Watching at the other girls, she said:

"It was his choice. We have nothing to do but to appreciate his ultimate determination."

Finally, the girl covered in light took the body and carried it to the destination, placing him on what he used to call "the power source".

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