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Atticus POV

Dear Atticus Aldaloth,

we call upon you to represent the Elven race at an emergency Gathering. Normally we try not to get the public involved in dangerous matters, but it necessary to our survival that you attend the meeting. We can't guarantee your own safety, but we're certain that without you presence we will all perish. Other creatures that will hopefully be present include;

· Angels

· Demons

· Vampires

· Werewolves

· Fairies

· Mermaids

· Sirens

· Necks

· Succubus'

· Incubus'

At the Gathering we will discuss with you why we have called you there on the day. If after hearing the issue you want to quit, we will allow you however, we warn you now that without a doubt it will lead to the death of you and your family. We are aware that the majority of the species don't cooperate well due to historical complications but we hope you can overcome your differences and difficulties. Remember, this is for the greater good.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Cromvaul

I've been rereading the letter for last two hours. My parents had insisted that they would drive me to the meeting that was taking place in Cornwall. I hadn't been there before, but I'd been informed that it's a peaceful and serene place. Though I had doubted that I'd get the chance to take in its beauty, due to the ominous atmosphere of the letter foreshadowing what was certain to be a gloomy topic.

It had just started to rain, I leaned my head against the icy cold window and sighed. The dreary weather made me feel tenser about the perplexing situation that would likely lye ahead. My parents, likely sensing my dread, put on the radio on in an attempt to cheer me up or at least, attempt to distract my mind from its thoughts. It was a nice gesture but it didn't solve my problem.

Why would I be selected to represent the Elven race? I'm not exactly a role model person, I'm sarcastic, pessimistic and extremely unsociable. Not exactly qualities people look for when hiring, though if this could lead to my death then I guess I'd be top candidate for being the most expendable.

Another thing that kept awake all night was that the letter used the words "historical complications" Since when has slaughter of Elves, due to reckless Werewolves, been considered a historical complication? I would define that as homicide. Also, what the hell is a neck?!

I leaned forward, "Dad, what is a Neck?"

My dad turned around, his face was full of confusion, "Hmm?"

"A neck!" I shouted.

My dad turned his head sideways, "Atticus, I know this is a hard time for you, but I didn't expect you to lose all basic knowledge." I face palmed "A neck is a body part..."

I waved my hand in front of me as a sign for him to stop. "I know what a neck is, but I want to know what a Neck is!"

Wait, did that make sense?

"Sorry dad, it says in the letter that a Neck will be there..."

"Oh!" My dad exclaimed. "You mean a Neck?"

That's what I've been saying.

"A Neck is a male water spirit that sings songs..."

Okay, so basically a male Siren.

"that lures women and children into the water. While under his spell he drags them down beneath the water so they drown."


Would I be the only non-murderer there? Everybody will be discussing their favourite ways of killing and I'll be sitting in the corner having no clue what is going on. We were only half an hour away from the meeting area and my stomach began to ache. What happens if they all gang up on me?

We were only ten minutes away from our destination when my mum needed to refuel. Normally I find this interruption annoying, but today I was thankful for the mishap. I took this chance to escape my boredom that was created by the car journey, I sat on a fallen tree nearby and observed the surroundings. We weren't far off what appeared to be an obscure town; the forest seemed to encase the area eerie manner. The dark trees loomed over houses, which could be seen upon muddy hills, and the petrol station was placed near a passing stream filled with debris.

It wasn't long until I heard my dad shout, "Atticus!"

"Yes, dad?" I muttered while I brushed the dirt of my jeans.

I've been out here for five minutes and I'm covered in dirt. Amazing.

I quickly sprinted towards the car before my dad could roar again if our horrible bright yellow car didn't catch people's attention my dad's shrieking sure would. I pulled my beanie further over my ears to mask my abnormality, my mum frowned. She once told me that I should be proud of being an Elf and that my ears were a sign of my heritage.

Maybe I would be proud of being an Elf if we had a supernatural ability. Oh wait, I do get an ability. The ability of being a freak.

I climbed back into the cramped car as my mum started the ignition. In roughly ten minutes I'd be trapped in a room of murderers, why is life so cruel? Every second that past was a stab in the chest as I drew ever closer to my fate. Eventually, we arrived at a breath-taking mansion. I sat there in awe as I noticed how isolated the manor was from the village we had recently passed. I double checked this was the right address, after the confirmation I exited the car.

Suddenly a booming voice startled me, "Atticus Aldaloth, you're late!"

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