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Kyla's pov- as I was getting the kids to school I seen that darrion was in his office on his computer getting ready for work so I decided to go in there

Kyla-wassup boo *sits on the edge of the desk*
Darrion-nun getting ready for this case that I'm doing
Kyla-oh okay, well we gtg *kisses his cheek*
Darrion-that's all I get?😢
Kyla-come here *kisses him adding tongue*-better?
Darrion-Yesssss 😊😌
Kyla-u big baby 😋*says walking out the door*
Darrion-Ikr *yells it*
Kyla-kids lets go can't be late
*kids run downstairs in there school uniform*
Dj-stop pushing me Mariah ‼️ (they are twins and there 5)
Mariah-shut up punk
Kyla-both of y'all be be quite and lets go to school
They all get in the car and she drives them to there private school no there not some lil spoiled snobby brats hell no they not
Kyla-have a nice day @ school u guys love u
Kids-okay mom love u too
Kyla*drives back home calling angel*
Phone convo
Me-hello,Who's this?
Kyla-bitch it's Kyla!
Me-ohhh hey girl who's the fam?
Kyla-good & urs
Me-were doing good
Kyla-that's koo
Me-are u still in L.A?
Kyla-yea why?
Me-meet me @ cold stone in about an hour?
Kyla-yea that sounds good meet u there!
Me-okay see u in a bit
Ends phone convo

Tyla's pov-I'm in L.A with the CEO of forever 21 deciding when I'm going to start putting all my brands in all different stores , these meeting take forever yo like why can't I come in here talk about it get on with my business like Fr bro but ig that's how all business women work 🤗🤑

Mrs.Thompson-so what items are u thinking of putting inside of our stores?
Tyla-well I was thinking of putting different kinds of dressy shirts,shorts, and stuff like that
Mrs.Thompson-that's very awesome! Do u want us to get u some models and stuff like that?
Tyla-yea that would be nice I think we could have a little mini fashion show? So the customers can kinda get a glimpse of what they will be buying
Mrs.Thompson-yes I like how u think, I see some very good things in u ms.Allen
Tyla-thanks Mrs. Thompson*grabs all of her stuff*
Mrs.Thompson-my pleasure sweetheart
Tyla-so I'll be seeing you on Friday about 11?
Mrs.Thompson-sure*gets up*
Tyla-alright I'll get going*walks to the door leaving*

*30 minutes before Kyla and angel meet up*
Phone convo
Me-hey tyla wassup
Tyla-nun much just got out of a tiring meeting with the CEO of forever21
Me-ooo that's koo what as it for?
Tyla-my branding and stuff... Oh yea btw I'm having a fashion show in about 3 weeks would u be able to attend?
Me-of course I will I'm in L.A @ the moment me and Kyla are meeting @ cold stone in 20 minutes wanna come?
Tyla-sure I'll be there
Me-okay see u there
End of The phone convo
I hop in the shower wash my hair and get out with a towel around me going into my closet
Me-what to wear what to wear? Maybe I'll put this on while putting on her under clothes and puts on lotion *grabs some all white ripped jeans and and a black and white windbreaker sweater with my all black huaraches hair down and curly I spray some perfume put on my watch and earrings with my purse,keys,and phone walking downstairs seeing her mom and dad in the living room sitting on the couch watching tv
Mom-where u going?
Me-out with Tyla and Kyla I'll be back later
Dad-oh okay we'll probably be gone when u come back were going to meet up with ur uncle drake and auntie Rihanna @ there house
Me-alright tell them I said hey *walking out the house getting in the car*

@ cold stone
Me on my phone waiting for them@ a table out side they never on time but that's been forever and I see both of them walk up to the table
Me-omg hey guys *they all give hugs*
Tyla-hey it feels like we haven't seen each in decades😭
Kyla-girl Fr u all the way in Philadelphia
Me-ik but I'm moving back out here tho
Both of them have shocked faces
Tyla-girl are u Fr?!
Kyla-please don't be playing with me
Me-no I'm frfr were moving out here in about 4-5 months for Kai he's going to be playing for the lakers and plus I have to finish my job there so I can start applying for some out here
Kyla-yassss bishhh the three musketeers are back Bitchhhessssss!!!!
Tyla-yassssss I'm so happy
Me-girl me too I've missed it out her u guys and mostly my parents 😏
Tyla-ik that's right but I have a long day tomorrow we should get going *gets her stuff*
Me-yea it is *goes inside to get the ice cream*-I'll catch you guys later
Both-okay *all getting in our cars*

Me*hooks up aux and the song U got it bad by Usher
Me-U got it u got it bad,hang up then u call right back *arrives @ home getting out going inside*
Me-Mom,Dad,Kai anyone home?*bending over taking off my shoes*
Kai*comes out of nowhere and grabs ur waist*
Me*back hands the shit outta him*-oh fuck sorry babe u can't be scaring me like that*takes him to the couch*
Kai-sorry but I think u cut me with one of the diamonds on the ring*points by his lip
Me-are u Fr?😱*looking @ his lip*
Kai-jk *kisses me instead*-pay back
Me-that wasn't koo 😕*pouty face*
Kai-so ur my wife I can only play with u like that
Me-so I can play with u like this *grabs his balls*
Kai-ooooo stop that hurts
Me-"I'm ur wife"remember *says getting up*
Kai-okay were even what are u going to make me to eat? Bc I'm like really hungry and I haven't ate all day I was sleep like since u left
Me-okay well what do u want to eat?*walking to the sink*
Kai*mumbles that p***y*
Me-I heard u nasty mf
Kai-sorry 🙄
Me-no seriously what do u want
Me-Chinese it is *goes to grab her phone and she orders delivery for the both of them*

30 minutes later they get there food and they just watch T.V
Kai-thanks for dinner😏
Me-f u 😂
Kai-what time?⌚️
Me-I'll pass *gets all the stuff up putting it in the fridge*
Kai-what a way to kill my vibe 💁🏽😞
Me-sorry but uk it's all locked up⛓
Kai-yea ik *walks upstairs*
Me finishes cleaning up and goes upstairs going into the bathroom taking a shower
10 minutes later comes out and puts on under clothes with a big T-shirt getting in bed facing the opposite side of Kai
Me-mhmm gn😏

It's not like the other ones this ones shorter and Ima start spacing the words out so u guys can understand it better... 😉😚

Me, myself and I (starring angel)Where stories live. Discover now