Chapter 1-Dyler or Troyler?

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It was the day everything would change.

Today was the day that I chose Troye or Davey.

It wasn't that long ago that Troye made his coming out video. He was so nervous about it and I comforted him. And that was the day Troye Sivan kissed me.

I had to tell Davey that is was over. I loved Troye.

I turned on my phone and texted Davey to meet me.

Tyler: Heyy, its tyler do you wanna meet me somewhere?

Davey: Hey Tyler!Yeah sure. My apartment?

Tyler: Okay, sure!

Davey: Bye, see you soon. Love you!

Tyler: Um, yeah bye.

Daveys POV

What the fuck is going on? I told him I loved him and he hung up.

Is this seriously a good idea for me to meet him. This didn't feel right.

Tylers POV

I pulled my jeans on and my new t-shirt from Topman. I picked up my phone and rang for a cab.

When the cab pulled up outside my apartment. I shut my front door behind me pulling my keys out of the lock and jumping into the cab.

Cab Driver: You Tyler?

Tyler: Yeah?

Um, why was he asking my name. He started to speed up I started to get nervous.

Tyler: erm, could you slow down please? I feel abit sick.

Cab Driver: Where you are going you won't feel a thing. Don't you worry.

He turned round and winked at me.

My stomach turned. Who the fuck are you!? Let me out!

I pulled on the door handles to find that they were both locked. I tried hitting the windows with my elbows but they were impossible to smash. I screamed.

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