Chapter 5-Was this the end?

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You know when you have that feeling, that your falling and you wake up and you jump a little.

I woke up to that and then Troye jumped up.

Troye: Babe, bad dream?

Tyler: Something like that.

I rubbed my eyes looking at the clock it was 3 am, I lifted my head from the pillow and my head was just spinning.

Tyler: What happened last night? My head hurts.

Troye: Don't you remember? You and Davey had a huge fight at Joeys party. The police showed up. Joey and Shane were questioned by them but they stuck up for you. Its fine now. Promise.

Tyler: Why did I even go?

Troye: Davey said he was going to tell your subscribers about us if you didn't. I guess he was planning all this.

Tyler: What did I ever see in that Psychopath.

The last few weeks have all been a blurr. I really don't remember anything. All I could remember was pain. Pain. Everywhere I went it was there. It wasn't physical but mentally.

I can't really explain it better than that. But it hurt, Like mad.

I lay my head back down on the pillow, trying to remember.

Troye: Tyler. You awake still?

Tyler: Yeah, yeah.

Troye: We have to get dressed soon.

Tyler: Why are we going somewhere?

Troye: Yeah, don't you remember. We are going to see your parents.

Tyler: Woah, woah hold up. I don't want to go and see my parents. I'm not ready to tell them I'm gay.

Troye: Your kidding me right? After everything we've been through. You know what fuck it.

Tyler: Don't go Troye. I love you. I'm sorry we can do this together. Just not yet.

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