My life,My secret,My curse - chapter one

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Have you ever felt invisible,like there was no one in the entire 6 billion people in the world who actually gave a fuck about you. I used to feel completely alone until I met Erica Smith she became my best friend and the only reason I cared. Then it all ended. Erica was taken away from me and I became alone and invisible all over again. I promised myself I would do anything to find out who destroyed my best friend I just didn't understand how far I was prepared to go.

Chapter 1

I've always loved the rain ever since I was a kid. There was something about the raindrops like millions of miniature drumbeats resonating around me. It was the only time when I could think clearly but now I always find myself sitting in our old tree house whenever even the smallest drop of rain falls.

The wood is cracked in most places, the windows have no glass left, the trapdoor is now a gaping hole but to us it was a palace. Or own secret kingdom. The magic never faded even when we grew up only now I'll never grow up. Not anymore. The photos we took the day before "it" happened are still stuck to the ramshackle walls and if I listen carefully sometimes I think I can hear you laughing. I guess to most people that would sound crazy but to me nothings sounds weird. If you looked at me, though most people prefer not to, I don't stand out as anything special. Short cropped blonde hair, cloudy grey eyes, pale almost translucent skin and a thin but obviously not athletic build. You would never have guessed I'd been to hell and back and let me tell you it's a lot easier to get there then it is to return.

I sat on the dirty floorboards lost in memories until I heard someone shivering beneath me, my sense of hearing has improved dramatically. Crawling over to the edge of the trapdoor I peered into reality. Crouched under a canopy of leaves taking shelter from the rain was a boy I recognised from school. Anthony Parker. I hated the thought of letting an outsider into her and my secret castle but his chattering teeth and constant coughing were getting annoying.

Letting my upper body swing down into the canopy below I stared wordlessly at Anthony. The rain had soaked him thoroughly, his usually bouncy choclaty brown hair was now plastered to his scalp however his stormy grey eyes still shone as intelligent as before.

Understandably he looked worried when I held out my hand but the pounding rain outside didn't really give him a choice.

" who are you?"

" I'm the king of this castle"

In the silence every minuscule sound echoed violently. His chattering teeth, our rattled breathing and the eerie gusts of wind whispering through the paneless windows. The time spent in the treehouse wasn't awkward and for once in a long time life felt easy. When the cold and rain started to get to me Anthony closed the space between wrapping me in his arms. I could hear his steady heartbeat and feel his warm breath tickling my neck. It felt as natural as breathing.

Suddenly it hit me the pulsing sensation from the sound of red hot blood coursing through his body. The urge became unbearable. His jugular was screaming at me tempting me to just take one small insignificant bite. It was as if I had lost all sense of reasonable thinking. I could feel merciless fangs ripping through my gums cheering on my murderous urges. Stop I pleaded with myself I don't want to have to do this.

I ran from his arms to the furthest corner from him, I needed to get away.

Curling with my head between my knees I covered my ears I desperately tried to calm myself down. Unexpectedly Anthony came up beside me.

" hey what's wrong?"

I pushed him as far away as I could

" just go away"


"I said leave me the fuck alone"

I sobbed and shook uncontrollably as Anthony left not because he was leaving because of what I had almost done. I had never felt so bloodthirsty before, I was terrified. This was my new life, frozen like this forever, my loved ones would always be in danger.

However I had eternity to learn how to cope.

My life,My secret,My curse - chapter oneWhere stories live. Discover now