My Life,My secret,My curse - chapter two

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Heyyy :3 interested or not here's chapter 2 XD !!!! Please please comment and tell Me what you think

I'd really appreciate it :)

They say your teenage years are the best time in your life, but what if they were the only years of your life. What if you were frozen at sixteen how would life turn out. Never being old enough to vote, to

legally drink, to drive or even go to college. I was never going to grow up and it was just something I would have to deal with.

Other students in my year would leave this school and never look back. The obnoxious school bell, oppressing Walls and endless days will soon be a distant memory but for me I'm now wondering how many more dreary hallways will I have to walk down, how many friends will forget me, how long will I keep up my facade. My headphones drilled music into my skull, the clashing drums vying for every ounce of my attention. When would it end?

" Maria watch where your going and look at me when I'm talking to you. Honestly sometimes I think you need to grow up"

Mr. Baker frowned down upon me

" Believe me sir I would if I could"

I knew I had changed becoming cold and distant since Erica's accident I used to be so bubbly and full of life. Now i was beyond caring, I was no longer Maria Tyler A pupil and charismatic individual

I was just another name hidden amongst a never ending sea of faceless students. Except now I was a faceless student with a stalker. Anthony had become obsessed but I had more then one stalker.

Erica had died, that much I knew, but she wasn't gone. Some would say she made a deal with the devil however if they knew the truth they would discover it was a lot worse. Erica Smith had bargained with one of the most despicable people on the planet. Claude Michaels. Unfortunately he was also the only family I had. When I ....... Turned Claude took me in without question and I was grateful. However I soon discovered that when dealing with Claude it's best to turn a blind eye in fact it's probably best to go blind.

" Alright students have a great weekend and don't forget to read pages 10-17 by Monday "

I could feel a cloud of gloom lifting as the weekend arrived, finally a reason for a genuine smile on my face.

" Good to see your in a better mood Ms. Tyler " Mr. Baker handed me my reading assignment.

" Oh I am sir. I can leave this shithole for a while"

I knew I was getting detention for that remark but at this precise moment I just couldn't care less.

I joined in the mosh pit of students clambering for freedom, I smiled along with everyone I even heard a few tentative goodbyes. Surprisingly I found myself waving and wishing people a good weekend, I almost felt normal.

" Maria" Anthony's head was barely visible above the jostling crowd.

"Do you know him ?" Stephanie Johnson from my maths class asked

" Sorta" I knew of no other way of explaining

" Maria wait up"

" yeah ok"

Arms folded,head down and earphones blaring I shifted uncomfortably. What was taking Anthony so long?. What did he want to ask?. An endless stream of questions swam around my head. Finally he caught up.

" Hey Maria,I'm sorry about the treehouse but thanks for letting me up"

I was amazed by his stupidity,did he not realise I could have killed him?. Oblivious to my growing annoyance Anthony kept jabbering on about everything and anything.

It wasn't until we past the crumbling remains of Oakhill church did I realise Anthony was following me home. Well fine then if he wanted to scare himself stupid he could, I couldn't Care what happened to him. I would let Claude deal

with him, that in itself was more terrifying then anything I could have imagined.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2011 ⏰

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