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Luka's POV:

Watching her chest raise and fall to her slow breaths, my body ached to see her do more. I wanted to hear her sweet voice say my name and see her smile, not this silence with a banged up face. "It's all my fault." I gritted my teeth in frustration. My hands held onto her right hand, never letting go.

Three o'clock struck on the clock behind my head, I won't leave till I see her awake. Miku has been in a state of unconscious since I carried her home from school. Father said we would take her to the hospital tomorrow and get x-rays and such for her, Miku clearly broke a rib or something from the force she received. Sighing I laid my head against her small arm, my hit breath hitting her soft, smooth skin. Tears slowly dripped onto the futon under her, and on her arms. "I am so sorry." I cried, chocking on my words. "I didnt want to see you hurt." My body shook with sadness, as my tears continued to fall like rain. My head pounded and ached, as I gripped onto her hand harder. "I love you so much, please wake up." Begging at a unconscious Miku, my pleads seeming like nothing at this point as I continued to cry.

"I.. Love.. You more... Pinky.." Whispered a raspy voice, gasping between words. Looking up I saw Miku with her eyes half open, breathing becoming more rapid.

"Miku!" I cried, lunging over the futon hovering over her. My fingers traced her features, as another hand brushed stay hairs away from her beautiful face. "Baby, I'm sorry. I'll make you feel better soon and we can go kick that arrogant slugs ass." I spoke, using her dumb little insult on Kaito. She nodded slightly, trying to smile a little before a hurt expression cover her face.

"Sleep .. With.. Me." She mouthes. I nodded and lay next to her, shifting her slightly so her head lays on my chest. My hand tested around her, on her frail stomach, while the other combed her long silky hair. Miku's scuffed up hand held onto my hand that laid on her, fingers trailing over mine. Her other hand didn't move, and if it did she would flinch and cry a little.


"Yes?" She whispered.

Taking a deep breath I spoke. "Your really doing OK with this? I mean you just got your ass kicked in and you just seem ah how do I say this...."

"Luka, its not the first. I was beaten before for the same cause." She says, in a more hushed voice than before. Looking up at the ceiling, I laid my head gently on top of hers. I understood what she meant. I may not know everything about Miku's past yet, but I know it wasn't easy and it has beaten her down mentally and physically. "Luka..?"

"Just sleep baby, you going to the hospital in the morning and your going to need all your strength." Muttered. Miku nodded, shifting slightly closer to me, getting more comfy against me.

I could hear her breathing slow down and fall into a rhythm, as she drifted asleep fast, exhausted from earlier events. A soft hum rolled in my throat, letting Miku hearing it helping her ease more into a deep slumber. "Good night Princess Leek."


The love is real yo

Sorry this chapter was shorter than usual, next one will be longer.

Goodbye loves~

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