I did a thing :)

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Okay... So confession. I wrote a mini parody for you PJO and HOO fans who are annoyed by the lack of stories with Camp Jupiter. In particular, the moment you finally find a good one. Enjoy, or don't. I can't tell you how to live your life ;)

Now presenting...
"For the First Time in Forever- Heroes of Olympus Style"

For the first time in forever,
Camp Jupiter exists.
For the first time in forever,
We see more than just the gist.

I know it's usually crazy
To wish for more than Zeus's Fist.
But for the first time in forever,
They're not hidden by the mist!

So yeah... That just sort a happened. It popped into my head after I saw a comment and I thought I'd share. Also, in the multimedia box is a photo I took of a sign that someone actually hung in my school's computer lab. This actually happened around last November but the idea of posting it just struck me.

Poll time!
If you were to be forced to live the rest of your life in the world of a book, what would you choose? Answer in a comment below.

Goodbye for now, my purple panda pillow pets! Stay safe and avoid the auguries ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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